Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson #fundie

What Is Demon Possession?

Demon possession is the seizure of a human being by a demonic being to such a degree that the individual is controlled in whole or in part by the demon (see Matthew 8:28-32, Mark 1:23-27, Mark 7:24-30, Luke 9:37-42).

The person who is demon possessed can manifest demonic qualities one minute and then be back in his right mind the next. The disease known as schizophrenia could, in certain individuals, be demon possession. This could be the case in instances where the person may speak in different voices and act in bizarre ways. One minute he could be a nice, calm, normal individual, and the next minute he could rage, foam at the mouth, and speak in an entirely different voice, blaspheming God.

In certain instances, demon-possessed individuals hear voices--voices that tell them to kill somebody, commit suicide, or undertake various kind of sins. Such people may have an uncontrollable lust. They may have an uncontrollable desire to have harm done to themselves. Masochism and sadism and other perverted sex practices are, in many instances, the result of demon possession.

Demon possession can be manifested in many ways. But the goal of demons is to debase, defile, and ultimately destroy a human being who is made in the image of God. That is what Satan wants to do: Attack God by destroying people who are precious in God's sight. However, people who serve Satan--the satanists and devil worshipers--will eventually be destroyed by that which they worship.

It is interesting to note that those who volunteer to serve Satan--the fortunetellers, spiritists, witches, warlocks, and satanists--are themselves consumed by Satan. Not only will they share Satan's ultimate punishment by God, but they will be tormented and debased by Satan himself prior to final judgment.

Excerpt taken from Answers to 200 of Life's Most Probing Questions, Copyright 1984 by Pat Robertson.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist

The word “feminism” is synonymous with rebellion. The biggest problem in America today is rebellion against godly authority, which begins in the home and marriage. The Holy Bible strictly forbids women from becoming preachers. God only knows the severe damage that has been caused, and continues to be caused, by rebellious women who blaspheme the Word of God by becoming preachers and pastors. It is not a matter of opinion; but rather—What saith the Scripture?

One of my favorite fundamentalist preachers (and Pastor Jack Hyles' mentor by 31 years of age), Evangelist John R. Rice (1895-1980) wrote a controversial book in 1941 called, “Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives And Women Preachers!” Of course, there is no controversy if you believe the Bible. The Scriptures are very clear in this matter of authority, that men are to be in charge of the marriage, home and church.

Sadly, the Scriptural teachings that you are about to hear, have all but been forgotten in today's churches. Pastors have become afraid to preach the Word of God about women being in subjection (and in many cases are now women pastors). The church pastor is not the authority, the inspired Word of God is the authority. Each woman is to be under the authority of her husband (and if unmarried, her father). Women are supposed to learn at home from their husbands, and not ask questions at church. Feminist rebellion plagues churches and Christian marriages today, ruining homes and shaming our nation. To the same degree that rebellious women are ruling over men in America, homosexuality is also becoming a commonplace problem.


We know assuredly from the plain teaching of the Scripture that ALL women preachers and pastors are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, and are false prophets! No woman is permitted to do what Joyce Meyer, Melissa Scott, Beth Moore and other ungodly female preachers are sinfully doing—usurping church authority over men. Women preachers blaspheme the Word of God. It is wickedness!

Joyce Meyer is an ungodly woman, who disobeys the Word of God. Her net worth is a disgusting $25,000,000. For the fiscal year 2018 her reprobate so-called “ministry” took in $106,000,000. That's per year! Meyer's has blood on her hands, taking money that should have been given to genuine soulwinning New Testament churches, not her personal coffers. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). Con artists like Pat Robertson and Joyce Meyer are funneling much needed money away from legitimate New Testament churches. The Bible says in 2nd Peter 2:3b, “their damnation slumbereth not.” I do not hate anybody, but if there were one group that I would hate first, it would be religious con artists who bilk their victims of hundreds of millions of dollars. The sodomite, harlot and murderer do not offend me nearly as much as televangelists!

The picture to the above right is worth 1,000 words. 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” Notice dear reader that God said their “end shall be according to their works,” which means they are not saved. The believer's “end” is Jesus Christ Himself. Romans 10:4, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Christ is the end of the law for every believer, bringing us safely under God's grace forever.

I know it is very tempting for a lot of women to speak, seeing the need for the truth to be preached. Ladies, the greatest thing you can do is to have many children, and raise them up for the Lord as darts against the Devil. And also ladies, the next best thing you can do is to be supportive of the man of God. Carefully notice in the following passage of Scripture, that a group of godly women helped take care of Jesus' material needs. Luke 8:1-3, “And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.” I do not believe that anybody should send money to televangelists, who are a curse upon our land, are serve their own bellies and not the Lord Jesus Christ. I do believe however, that Christians ought to seek out local Bible-believing churches, that are soulwinning in the community and making a difference for Christ, and help meet the material needs of those pastors and churches. I said “needs,” not luxuries.

Men alone have the calling and duty from God to cry aloud against the sins of the land, and to preach the Gospel with authority to the masses, and to contend for the faith publicly, but women are to keep silence everywhere when men are present (as far as speaking with authority is concerned). A boisterous women preacher is as a broken tooth and a foot out of joint! Dr. John R. Rice is correct that if you removed all the women from the Charismatic Movement, it would vanish overnight! And the more that ungodly women enter into the clergy, and America continues her descent into the abyss of Sodom and Gomorrah, more women are following their evil lead into the pastorate, helping feminism and encouraging lesbianism. The truth is that many women today (like Joyce Meyer) do not fear God; thus, they merely don't care what God says, and are living in open rebellion against God, blaspheming the Holy Bible. Psalms 36:1, “The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.”

I understand that many American women have a bad attitude, feeling contempt for a narrow-minded man like me who takes the Bible literally; but those women are fools, who will answer to God in eternity for their rebellion against masculine authority in the marriage, home, church and society (like my former wife who disrespects me all the time, who cruelly abandoned and divorced me in 2006). Look at the mess America is in today, because of the insane liberal movement to grant “rights” to feminists, abortionists, sodomites and other kooks, quacks and queers. Feminists are kooks. Abortion doctors are quacks. Homosexuals refer to themselves as queers! God's judgment is coming upon this wicked nation and I eagerly welcome and pray for it! Let every woman obey her own husband in all matters, lest the Word of God be blasphemed, and the Devil prosper further in the world by having more broken families.

Pat Robertson #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

Televangelist Pat Robertson claimed on Tuesday that God told him U.S. President Donald Trump will win re-election on November 3rd, which will be followed by mass civil unrest, a war against Israel and “some kind of asteroid strike on the globe.”

“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,’’ Robertson said on the Christian Broadcast Network’s “The 700 Club.’’

“That doesn't mean you sit home and don’t vote,” he added. “That means you get out and do everything you can to work, but he’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.”

The 90-year-old founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, then went on to say that after Trump is re-elected war will break out, listing threats to the U.S. from China, North Korea and Turkey.

Robertson continues, saying civil unrest in the United States following the election “will tear the country apart” and give Erdogan in Turkey and Iran the opportunity to come together to wage war against Israel.

Robertson’s dire predictions go on: “What I think very frankly is the only thing that will fulfill the word of Jesus … is some kind of asteroid strike on the globe,” he continues. “It’s sudden destruction. It’s not going to be some nuclear war. We’re not going to be allowed to blow this earth up.’'

Robertson then the damage from the asteroid and says “then, maybe the end” will come next.

Robertson concludes, “I think it’s time to pray.’’

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