
discombobulated #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[In response to allegations of people altering the Bible]

Theres no doubt in my mind that God would not let his word be altered in any way he did not want it to be. If Sodam and Gomorah were struck dead just 4 lying, then why can't some monk be struck dead?

hayden #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I know that it is getting close to Halloween so you see ghosts every wear in the stores. That makes me wonder. What are ghosts? They have been documented and scientificaly researched. Evan the most sane people see hauntings. I've taken a tour of an actual huanted house (The Whaley House, San Diego, CA) I know that when you die you go to Judgment Day and so on and so forth. Are these realy spirits of the departed. I was an amateur paranormal investigator and I have seen some pretty wierd stuff. I just want to know what it is. Is it a demon? It could be but demons are monopreasant. Multiple ghosts can be seen. Is there some cross between Heaven and Hell when spirits srill walk the Earth.

datgurl11 [TPF] #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

there is no "i was a christian". there is no such thing. you either are or you arnt. let me explain something...and its called SURETY. there is one thing that i have, that you dont...and its called SURETY. i have TOTAL SURETY. let me repeat. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND WHATSOEVER THAT JESUS CHRIST IS REAL. you CANNOT change my mind. absolute SURETY. that, my friend, is called faith. Do you have that? if you had that, then you wouldnt be on this website, asking people questions.

isthisforrealorwhat #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Ok, seriously, this is really sucky logic. First of all, there are more women who are Christians than men, and not just here, but all over the world. Secondly, the Bible doesn't treat women like trash, it places them where they belong, in submission to their husband, and before everyone jumps on me, take note that the women who were not married were only to submit to Christ and the authority of the land they lived in. JUST LIKE MEN.

And on the topic of WOMAN bringing sin into the world, WRONG. Adam is blamed through ALL of Scripture for the fall of man.

Look at it this way, Eve, SHE had to have a TALKING snake come and tempt her to get her to sin, Adam, all it took was a hot chick saying 'here, taste this'.

Oh, yeah, and the whole 'crutch' thing.... I, along with MILLIONS of other Christians like me, who have come out of the FALSE Religious System in this world, do not, believe in this 'hell' place, serve God out of Love for Him, not fear.

The excuse that God is a absentee landlord, tyrant, torturous, cruel, (etc.) being up in the sky is a crutch for athiests and agnostics, to give them a good reason not to believe.

So 'hell' is actually a crutch for the athiest, not the Christian.

sniff #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

If I were to serve you dinner, and you asked for table salt, or sodium chloride, and I gave you sodium and chlorine, I could go to jail (if you inhaled too much chlorine). There is a substantive difference between the parts and the whole - most people recognize that. Once a sperm has fertilized an egg - everything is there, it is whole, just immature.

tinskysk8 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

The only thing else I want to say about this is even if this finding turns out to be a hoax, which I believe it is not, there is no denying the fact that Jesus Christ was a REAL person. You don't have to believe that He was the son of God, but you should believe that he existed as a person. If He didnt exist why would we base our calendars off His birth and His death?

datgurl11 [TPF] #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On executing the Maryland Snipers]

i dont agree at all. i hope that those snipers scare the living daylights out of those people. they deserve it. america is not living by god anymore, they are nothing but lying, cheating, robbers. i live in virginia about an hour away from those shootings. and it doesnt scare me one bit. the american court just took away every single possession my dad ever had away from him for no reason whatsoever. iv ran away from home multiple times because of the american court.there is something seriously wrong with america, its not living by gods rules, and therefore its falling apart.

hayden #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

But if you want to hear un-biased news reporting try drudgereport.com (reports all stories) and foxnews.com, yes o'reily and Hannity are biased, but their regular news is 100% fair. CNN has liberal and repub commentary also and you wouldn't get news from that, but CNN's regular
news has a serious Clinton lean! Good thing hardly anyone watches CNN anymore! Fox news is #1 because people can tell when they are being lied to.

EternalWarrior #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Ghosts are everywhere. I think a lot are good though. I have been walking in my house late night in the dark, and saw a quick glimpse of something. Not sure what just did. Guardian Angels. But as 4 evil ones, i dont know. I know the devil is real and can pollute peoples minds!

Livin'4Christ #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I only say fuck science cause it's your ticket to hell. You'll hate science as much as I do if you go.

I don't hate the "truths" of science... just science in general. I remember when I was a young lad doing Chemistry in high school and the whole class would get so excited when we were about to perform an experiment. However, I found doing the experiments more boring than the theory. Yes, physics and chemistry wasted two years of my life where I could've been smoking weed and getting drunk... thus why I have a deep hatred for science.

Arctic Fox #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I thought for the longest time that I had a chemical imbalance (or other physical problem associated with depression or emotional instability). I even took two different kinds of anti-depressants. However, in the end, I found that relying on God and trusting His promises given to us through the Bible was the only thing that cured me of my problem. The pills seemed to work a little, but they had side effects and made me feel in some ways "fake" (as if my contentedness was because I was "drugged," which I was). The pills seemed to treat the symptoms, while trusting in God cured me of the problem (the source of the symptoms).

I'd recommend avoiding them.

Amessenjah #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

It really bothers me when all I ever see on nightly television and the movies is the liberal political agenda. Just like that t.v. show the West Wing. It's like they are trying to glorify and rearrange Bill Clinton's presidency in order to make him seem like a really good person.

Grace Not Works #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Replying to 'Would you consider women being forbidden to speak in church sexist?']

No, because firstly, that women aren't any less than men because they aren't allowed to speak, and secondly, such a statement would only be made if there is a good reason. Never does the Bible say that women are less than equal.

ArchxAngel #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

For some christians, depending on how well the take the bible, and understand/obey it, the more perfect it fits in with its logic making it truth (to them)

Note: This arguement could also be used any other religion that has a book or traditions that are used aside from christianity.

ArchxAngel #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

It is illogical to have linear logic. However it may have truth in it, you will never find the complete answer.

With Circular logic, you have your back up, and as long as that back up is uninteruptabed, it is perfected 100 with truth, making it wise, which makes it truth.

punkrocker71 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

is that why people see visions of hell. or possesions. or that scientists have discovered a place in the center of the earth that is a perfect condition for hell(which is where many christians believe it to be). read the book by mary k. baxter "a divine revelation of hell"---ull see what im talking about.. in the 1970s for 40 nights she was given a guided tour of hell and was told to write a book about it.(dont argue back before you read it)---also talk to someone who has seen visions of it.

POD FANATIC GUY #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On a topic discussing whether nudity is immoral]

no nudity is not immoral. It is quite normal and dignifying for a man to show his penis outside while strolling to buy milk. Or a woman to show off her boobs while working, it would make every fellow employee especially the males one to feel excited to go to work. That can either be the worse question ever asked or your probably desensitized from watching porn.

Amessenjah #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

At the point were the baby will 100% die [and kill your wife], in which I don't agree a doctor should say,ever, there would not be much choice would there? But do you let God have control of the situation or do you take human life in your own hands [and perform an abortion]? I guess at that point a person would have to ask themself if they believe in God. Then have faith that God will perform a miracle.

tinskysk8 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Well, on a personal standpoint and being a Christian the only literature I need to read to understand there is proof that Jesus existed and that He had a brother named James is the bible. I dont care what the scientist have to say, I dont care what the LA times has to say..or any person out there. I have my proof and that is why I believe.

sniff #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On clinical depression]

While what you are experiencing may simply be demonic attack exacerbated by isolation from a community, it may also be a physiochemical imbalance needing a medical doctor's intervention. Please do look into both courses of action.

hayden #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

as for sex NO, I repeat, No 13 year old should be having sex under any circumstances. No, I repeat, No condoms should be given out at ANY schools elementry through High School. IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS JOB to teach my kids anything about sex, provide condoms or anything of the sort. I will never allow the state to come close to teaching my children about sex. I remember when I was in Sex ed, they had a whole chapter on the joys of different sex positions...that is not a joke....I was in 7th grade, That is outrageous!!!!! Do NOT give my children condoms or any of their friends condoms, because it's like saying "hey, your not old enough to have a car, but here's the key's to the car with the door open and no ones looking, c'mon kid get inside, no one will know" I don't think so!!!!!! not my kids!!!!

ArchxAngel #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Plus, the bible hasn't yet been proven wrong or fallable. Yes there have been several links and websites saying they have, but shoot guys, there is a website proving that there wasn't a haullacost(sp?) and that all the jews fronted the 6 million deaths to make the germans look bad. If people can be so easily thrown by that one little thing from a huge action that happened, then of course you will be thrown and lead to beleive something about something so minor and detailed.

TimtheIrishPirate #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I haul my ass out of bed at 5 AM every morning so I can make a living. Before I see a penny of it I pay taxes.

Out of those taxes contraceptives are paid for by me for those who want to fuck but don't want to work."

"Out of those taxes unwed mothers are being paid more for welfare. Once again, they get to fuck, but they're not working and no one is working on their behalf. So I help to bear the brunt of their cost of living."

"Anyone who claims what goes on "in the bedroom" is no one's business is blind. When it comes out of my check, it is my business.

Chilocanth #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Unbelieving parents do not have a covenant with God and are in his disfavor. Their children would not be under a "spiritual blanket" and would face the same punishment as their parents.

I think this idea is supported by the cleansing of Canaan. Joshua was commanded to kill every living thing, which included children and babies. Infants were considered unclean since they were members of a pagan culture that their parents participated. Israeli children were considered clean because they were part of God's chosen culture.

khazul #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Replying to 'if someone had a gun to your kid's head and asked if you believed in God']

Trust in God. All things work for his Glory and it will be best in the end. Thus, never deny God. If your child is killed he won't have to go through the hardships of life and is with the lord so double bonus to him.

Person-Man #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I dont think poverty is as bad as people may think, though I havent really experienced it myself so how should I know? But if those who are poor wish they had more, is it any different from those who want more and have it, and always want more?

Ander #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Arguing for the veracity of the Columbine martyrdom story about Cassie Bernall after it was exposed as an urban legend]

Hmm.. Maybe things we THINK are PROVEN, are really HOAXES.

In fact, this HOAX existed so LONG, someone wrote a BOOK about it.

Arctic Fox #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Sexual Repression for Dummies!]

So the solution is to keep your eyes and mind pure (it works). Is there any way in which sexual imagery is making its way into your life? Through pornography? "Soft-core" stuff on TV? Magazines in check-out lanes? Lustful gazes at girls at school/work? Fantasy?

Find the sources that feed your sexual urges, and squash them. Then you'll move towards true freedom =).

russell182 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Back in the olden days son God was more concerned about keeping His new paradise (earth) perfect. If that was going to be acheived then obviously He didn't want idolaters, animal fuckers and others who disobey His commands so He instructed the Jews to kill them. Death wasn't really an issue in those days anyway and there weren't really many other religions. You die you go to Heaven. No real punishment.

Gerrard Pedersen #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[After another very specific prediction of the Big Bang theory was confirmed]

i dont see how this proves the big bang,

the scientists could be making wrong conclusions, it could maybe be somthing else,

who am i supposed to believe, scientists who dont know shit compared to God, or God??

W.Y.R.I.W.Y.S.2 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On Jehovah's Witnesses]

I don't know if i'm wrong, but i heard that they believe that only 144 000 people go to heaven because it's literaly wrote as this somewhere in the bible, while milions of them still anoying people knocking at their door trying to push their retarded beliefs and convert while it seems clear that they're just a bounch of lost dumbfuck who better likes to see their childrens die than to get blood transfusion...

Ander #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

All objects whose creation has been observed have been man-made, and require design and intelligence. Even a ball of mud requires design and intelligence. We've never observed something being made without design, intelligence, or method."

"It's pretty much a fact that if you ask anybody if they like grapes with seeds or grapes with no seeds better, they will say grapes with no seeds. The way grapes produce is by using feces as fertilizer to spread their seed that is eaten, but if "early man" only ate seedless fruits as a preference (and he spit out all the seeds), how would fruits reproduce in the first place?"

"Humans wear clothes. Scientists are still trying to decipher at how clothes came to be. But the point is, we all wear clothes, but why? Because it's in our "genetic makeup" to wear clothes when it gets cold out? What about in tropical areas? Why not just move there and go naked? Even though people wear less there, they don't go naked. Man is shameful of his nakedness because he discovered it to be that way (Genesis). Also, if man developed his shamefulness of his nakedness over time, how would the species reproduce "millions of years ago", if a man was afraid to be naked in front of a woman?"

"The Creation was directly observed by Adam and Eve

sweet&sour #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Comparing masturbation to murder]

And to the bright ones who say 'if it makes you feel good, why not.' So your saying, if I kill someone, merely because I want to feel power, and feel alive/good... It's ok, because what.. It makes me feel good? haha...

russell182 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

The aids disease spreads itself through pre-marital unprotected sex among the homosexual/heterosexual/bi population, intrevenous drugs, blood transfusions etc all of which God is against."

"Condoms are of man and not of God, therefor condoms are a way of cheating the system which God has established against these sins.

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