
Life is sacred until it’s born, then it’s the law of the jungle.

Laura Lopez #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth palmbeachpost.com

Eighty books in high school library stacks are corrupting students with tales of abortion, homosexuality and atheism. That's according to a West Palm Beach mother who has appealed to the school board to remove the books from the shelves of Dreyfoos and Royal Palm Beach high schools.

Laura Lopez has been fighting since September to ban these books that she says "promote sin and lies."


Lopez admits she hasn't read a single one of the objectionable books cover-to-cover.

In her appeal, she quotes scripture and blames the Columbine school shootings, drugs, bullies, teenage pregnancy and other ills on what she considers the removal of God from schools.

She targets literary genres ranging from reference books to short stories. Among the books she wants removed are "Medical Ethics: Moral and Legal Conflicts in Health Care," "Warriors of God: Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin in the Third Crusade," "Coping When a Parent is Gay" and "The Cider House Rules," a John Irving novel about a rural doctor who runs an orphanage and performs illegal abortions.

Lopez said the book challenges stemmed from a basic interest in the types of books in her sons' school libraries.

So, she went to the computerized card catalogue and typed in the keywords "homosexuality," "abortion" and "atheism." She was shocked by the dozens of titles that popped up.

"My kids are going to school to learn, not to become a homosexual or an abortion doctor or an atheist," she said.


In her objection to "Am I Blue?: Coming out from the Silence," a collection of 18 short stories about gay and lesbian issues, Lopez wrote: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and not Eve and Sue."


Even within her own home, reaction is split.

"My oldest son doesn't believe in God," she said. "I guess he kind of thinks I'm stupid."

Archbishop Angelo Amato #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth today.reuters.com

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official on Monday forcefully branded homosexual marriage an evil and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of "terrorism with a human face".

The attack by Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was the latest in a string of speeches made by either Pope Benedict or other Vatican officials as Italy considers giving more rights to gays.

In an address to chaplains, Amato said newspapers and television bulletins often seemed like "a perverse film about evil". He denounced "evils that remain almost invisible" because the media presented them as "expression of human progress".

He listed these as abortion clinics, which he called "slaughterhouses of human beings", euthanasia, and "parliaments of so-called civilized nations where laws contrary to the nature of the human being are being promulgated, such as the approval of marriage between people of the same sex ..."

Amato spoke at a time when the Vatican and Italy's powerful Roman Catholic Church are at loggerheads over plans for a highly controversial law that would give unmarried heterosexual and homosexual couples some form of legal recognition.

The Church and Catholic politicians, even some in Prime Minister Romano Prodi's centre-left coalition, see the proposed law as a Trojan Horse and say it could lead to gay marriages.

Amato, who is said to be very close to Pope Benedict, criticized the media's coverage of ethical issues.

Robert T. Lee #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist #wingnut tencommandments.org

What the heathen Statue of Liberty really means


Freedom to seek asylum in America from the rightful stigmatization of true criminality in other nations

Freedom to practice homosexuality or lesbianism

Freedom to murder innocent human embryos and fetuses

Freedom to publicly blaspheme God

Freedom to worship satan (Note: we do not capitalize the word satan even when it begins a sentence).

Freedom to practice obstetrics and gynecology as a male physician

Freedom to make and sell pornography

Freedom from the death penalty for death-worthy crimes

Freedom to abandon children to daycare and public schools while seeking the fleeting American dream.

Freedom to make a living off foolish, vain and immoral employment.

Freedom to abandon parents to nursing homes.

Freedom to wrongly serve in government as homosexuals, lesbians and other high criminals.

Freedom for women to foolishly seek to be equal with men.

Freedom to foolishly petition the government for immoral interests.

Freedom to receive food stamps, veteran benefits and other federal financial benefits while a criminal or muderer in prison.

Freedom to elect moral criminals such as homosexuals, lebians, murderers, robbers and other criminals to government positions.

Freedom to make heroes and celebrities out of deathworthy criminals.

Freedom to sell and purchase crime tools and art of muderers.

Freedom to produce and make megabucks off violent and murderous video games, toys, movies and music in order to teach children how to become violent and murderers.

clirus #fundie #kinkshaming #forced-birth #homophobia christianforums.com

Democrats - Soft on Security

The Patriot Act fiasco again points out the fact that democrats are still soft on security. Being soft of security is what lead to the 9/11 attack that killed 3000 Americans in American cities. The democrats like to say they are protecting civil liberties. That is equivalent to their statements that pornography is freedom of speech, abortion is a woman's choice, and homosexuality is a civil right. It is no wonder Clinton knew he could get away with the big lie that, I did not have sex with that woman.

The fear of criticism by the Atheistic liberal news media is what keep Clinton from taking on Iraq and Afghanistan. Why should Republicans take the blame for solving problems and the democrats set around looking like peace lovers. It is ironic that people who solve problems are criticized and people who do nothing are praised. Of course the doing nothing catches up with you, as it did with 9/11.

The Middle East problem is not going to be solved until Syria and Iran are dealt with. If it is done by Republicans, it should be done with a full declaration of war that carries with it a total censorship of the news media. It is unlikely Republican will deal with the Syria and Iran issue because of the pain inflicted by the Atheistic liberal news media, and certainly the democrats are not going to do anything because they are soft on security.

I guess it is time to start preparing for the next Middle East war.

The list of things the democrats never got done is long. They never had an energy policy. They never had an education policy. They never had a medical insurance policy. They never had an immigration policy. They never had a solution for social security. The foreign policy of the democrats was an policy of appeasement that led to 9/11, the North Korea mess, and the failure to resolve the Israeli - Palestine problem. The only policies democrats do have are socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion and homosexuality, none of which should be supported by Christians.

Democrats are soft on security, but strong on sin.

During democratic administrations problems develop and there is little criticism. During Republican administrations problems are solved but there is great criticism. It is a wonder the Atheistic liberal news media has not questioned the legality of President Bush breathing. The Atheists who question the legality of everything President Bush does are the one who most often violate God's law. I wonder what would occur if there was a fair and balanced news media instead of the Atheistic liberal news media.

It is pitiful that America does have the stomach for the urban gorilla wars such as Iraq, because that is the model for all future wars. If Iran gets a nuclear device, it might be different, but generally the nature of war will be house to house and roadside bombs. You will know the war has been won when the people are providing tips on the enemy. I totally blame the inability to fight a urban gorilla war on the democrats and the Atheistic liberal news media.

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