
Life is sacred until it’s born, then it’s the law of the jungle.

John C. Wright #homophobia #forced-birth #kinkshaming #crackpot scifiwright.com

{from 2014}

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Chuck Schumer is the majority leader of the United States Senate.

In this post, I'm not commenting on his statements about not having enough workers or the immigration issue. I want to deal solely with this statement he made in a recent video clip (from 05 to 12). He said:

“We have a population that is not reproducing on it’s own with the same level that it used to…”.

What a hypocrite.

Here's what I believe he should of said, "We have a population that is not reproducing on it's own with the same level that it used to because I and most other politicians and many in the judiciary have totally supported killing off as many, in fact tens of millions of children as we can before they are even born."

The abortion holocaust (for which we've written a lot about on the
website) is a stench before the God of creation for which they will be held accountable one day. And I want to warn Chuck Schumer, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).
9:30 PM · May 27, 2024 · 45.6K Views
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Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

Harrison Butker #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #forced-birth #sexist lgbtqnation.com

In Atchison, Kansas this weekend, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, a Catholic and three-time Super Bowl champion, used his commencement speech to Benedictine College graduates as a platform[…]
If the Class of ’24 thought the day’s celebration was about them, Butker had something else in mind

Denouncing the “silence” he said that the Church desires for activist Catholics like himself, Butker was outspoken in his criticism of “degenerate cultural values”, “the tyranny of diversity equity and inclusion,” “dangerous gender ideologies,” “diabolical lies” told to women, and infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, among other objects of scorn

Like the martyr Butker portrays himself as, he reveled in a recent Associated Press story that he said was meant to shame Benedictine College for “an immense shift toward the old ways”

He said he took “pride” in the description, “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it,” he said, adding, “but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him”

While Butker may have found a receptive audience at the school among leadership — 10 years ago, current and then-school president Stephen Minnis forced an out basketball player to remove a Pride flag from his dorm window — the graduating class groaned at the uncharitable slap at the LGBTQ+ community[…]
Butker had choice words, as well, for President Biden and the women of America, whom he encouraged to “accept your lane and stay in it”

Of his wife Isabelle, Butker said, “Her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and a mother. I’m on this stage, and able to be the man I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation”

She has come “to embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker”

Butker called President Biden “delusional” over “his support for the murder of innocent babies”

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com


30-year-old pro-life activist Lauren Handy has just been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility,

Meanwhile, abortionists who dismember and kill children walk free.

A grave injustice!
1:00 AM · May 15, 2024 · 334.6K Views
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Mike Huckabee #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth motherjones.com

"Abortion, environmentalism, AIDS, pornography, drug abuse, and homosexual activism have fragmented and polarized our communities."


"It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations—from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia."

New Hampshire State Rep. Jess Edwards (R) #sexist #forced-birth newsweek.com

A New Hampshire lawmaker who opposed a child marriage ban argued that teens are of a "ripe, fertile" age

Republican state Rep. Jess Edwards said last week that a bill banning marriage for people under 18 would make abortion more appealing for young people

"If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are of a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?" he said[…]
Edwards' description of young people being of a "ripe, fertile age" was met with laughter. Despite his intervention, the New Hampshire House passed the bill on Thursday, sending it to the governor[…]
If New Hampshire's bill becomes law, it would leave Maine as the only state in the northeast of the U.S. that allows marriage below the age of 18

Allie Beth Stuckey #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

There is a trend on tiktok right now of women sharing their abortion stories and insisting they regret nothing - and they’re literally doing so between sobs because the “feelings are complex.” No, girl, you feel conviction and guilt. And as uncomfortable as those feelings are, they’re actually promising signals that your heart is still soft. Lean into those hard feelings. You should feel guilt. You did an awful thing. But there is abundant grace and total redemption available for you in Jesus. You’re not too far off. You can be forgiven and made new
6:51 AM · May 8, 2024 · 71.8K Views
246 Reposts 10 Quotes 2,247 Likes 48 Bookmarks

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth theologyonline.com

[aCultureWarrior has a bit of a meltdown and discusses me and my partner]

Well then, I guess besides being a lying (or to paraphrase annabenedettttti 'LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!') coward, who is a closet fag that molests children, I'm also a adulterer.

Wait, I forgot something:

'and and and I'm pro choice too!'

That being said, I'm certain that the drag queen homosexual who is engaged to a man that plans on having genital mutilation surgery to become a woman, is sitting back in his pantyhose and hi heels smiling knowing that there are Christians out there that believe he has some kind of "right" to teach America's children, to work in daycare facilities, or to mentor youth in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or the rest of the long list of youth mentor organizations that have allowed openly (i.e. proud and unrepentant) homosexuals into their organizations.

Wayne Allyn Root #forced-birth #wingnut facebook.com

2/3rds of US households have a dog. Most people I know treat dogs like their children. They might love them more than their children- because a dog never leaves & never disagrees. Thats how I know Kristi Noem made worst mistake in political history. She brags about killing puppy for acting excited & having fun while hunting. OMG. Some of u didn’t get it. Worst optics in history. Her career should be over. Anyone who brags about killing a dog for being hard to train…or because it kills a few chickens…is a heartless, nasty person. Thats what puppies do! But it’s funny how Democrats are shocked by this story…but they want to murder babies until moment of birth. They should all be disqualified for being heartless, nasty killers. It goes both ways. Value life.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The VAST majority of people in American believe late-term abortion should be illegal. Over 80%.

The majority of people in American believe second trimester abortion should be illegal. Over 60%.

Contrary to the lies propagated by the left, over 60% of women who get abortions feel coerced by a man to get one.

The reason women cite most often for getting abortions is… convenience.

It’s atrocious. We should not accept this as a society.

I don’t care if this is a “winning” or “losing” political issue. It’s an issue of right and wrong. A genocide for which we will answer to our Creator. What do you want your answer to be?

If, instead of trying to compromise with evil, we loudly articulated WHAT abortion actually is, when life begins, culturally expected present fathers, and provided women with loving community and support to care for her child, maybe it wouldn’t be a losing political issue after all.

We must ban abortion. And if you’re afraid to say it, let alone politically enact it, stop & ask yourself why.
2:05 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 63.2K Views
257 Reposts 42 Quotes 1,792 Likes 33 Bookmarks

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Anti-Christian Bill Mahr (in the attached video clip) openly admits as he talks to Piers Morgan that abortion is “murder” and he is “ok with that.” Mahr said, “I can respect the absolute position…I really can. They think it’s murder – and it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry we won’t miss you.”

Three important points:

1. The left have gained so much ground in the culture that they (like Mahr) are becoming very brazen how they state things and reveal their true heart and motivation. Warning--they are coming after anything Christian, coming after Christians.

2. Mahr states that abortion is “murder.” But murder is a crime in our culture. So he is ok with someone committing murder?

3. He is making a moral judgment stating that abortion is “murder” (which it is), but he has to borrow from a Christian worldview to make such a moral judgment. Without an absolute basis morality is subjective—relative.

Watch the video clip to hear him for yourself.

If you would like to read about how Bill Mahr once plotted to deceive me and Answers in Genesis, read the articles at the following links.



10:28 PM · Apr 14, 2024 · 41.9K Views
94 Reposts 12 Quotes 270 Likes 57 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

A better strategy for Trump on abortion would be to:

- Describe abortion & what Democrats want to be legal (ie. late term, infanticide), like he did during the Hillary debate)

- Savagely debunk the lies the left tells about abortion (“it’s healthcare” “it’s miscarriage care” “rape and incest”)

- Stop being afraid of “suburban mom” voters and SPEAK TO THEM

- Use stories of women who KEPT their babies to counter the emotion the left uses when they pretend all abortions are about 12yo girls
2:10 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 27.1K Views
71 Reposts 15 Quotes 430 Likes 7 Bookmarks

Navaros #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth forum.dune2k.com

[Note the dialogue of Euthypho and Socrates: conclusion that what is pious is not because of the quality that it is loved by a god, but for a reason inherent in it, and that the god loves it because it is good.]

Socrates is in Hell right now, burning as we speak. He knew nothing of God, or what is good. So you picked a very bad example to quote from about this subject.

Humans do not have minds capable of knowing what is "good" better than God does. For example, you see many people on this site promoting and/or defending evil causes such as "homosexuality" (one reason why Socrates is now in Hell, by the way) and genocide against human children. They have no basis for saying these things are "good", yet they do. These things are in fact very evil. Many men who society considers "wise" are actually fools. So says God, and God is correct.

God knows what is good and what is not good. His opinion is the one that counts. Not the petty, evil opinion of man. Christ has said that mankind will naturally promote wickedness and evil instead of doing good. That is why you see things like "Gay Pride Parades" and genocide against children. Because the foolishness of man says that "these things are good!" It does not matter how many say that evil things are good - evil things will *NEVER* be good.

It is true that Atheists have no morality. Because a man in his natural state will almost always automatically promote and defend evildoings. Like Akriku and ACElethal and other Atheists promoting "homosexuality", for example. To be moral requires a man to leave his natural state and allow himself to become righteous. Atheists almost never have a reason to do this since they do not obey God's commands, and hence most Atheists have no morality

Archbishop Angelo Amato #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth today.reuters.com

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican's second-highest ranking doctrinal official on Monday forcefully branded homosexual marriage an evil and denounced abortion and euthanasia as forms of "terrorism with a human face".

The attack by Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was the latest in a string of speeches made by either Pope Benedict or other Vatican officials as Italy considers giving more rights to gays.

In an address to chaplains, Amato said newspapers and television bulletins often seemed like "a perverse film about evil". He denounced "evils that remain almost invisible" because the media presented them as "expression of human progress".

He listed these as abortion clinics, which he called "slaughterhouses of human beings", euthanasia, and "parliaments of so-called civilized nations where laws contrary to the nature of the human being are being promulgated, such as the approval of marriage between people of the same sex ..."

Amato spoke at a time when the Vatican and Italy's powerful Roman Catholic Church are at loggerheads over plans for a highly controversial law that would give unmarried heterosexual and homosexual couples some form of legal recognition.

The Church and Catholic politicians, even some in Prime Minister Romano Prodi's centre-left coalition, see the proposed law as a Trojan Horse and say it could lead to gay marriages.

Amato, who is said to be very close to Pope Benedict, criticized the media's coverage of ethical issues.

Dr. David R. Reagan and Franklin Graham #fundie #forced-birth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia lamblion.us

Franklin Graham is not calling the pastors and evangelists of this nation to do something he is not willing to do himself. He has, in fact, become the model of a prophetic voice speaking out boldly against the sins of our nation. In the process he has taken the bull by the horns on many occasions. Consider his comments on the following social and moral issues:

Abortion - "There is no place for compromise on straightforward issues such as abortion... God has given us clear biblical direction that we must follow and obey... As a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, I believe this is a nonnegotiable issue. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it."

Gun Control - "The gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don't address a more important issue - the constant strain of violence put forth by the entertainment industry [in movies, music and video games]. But the problem - the real crux of the issue - lies not in the instruments of violence used... The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man."

Islam - "Islam is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war." "For Muslims, peace comes only through supmission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean supmission to their religion... Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam."

ISIS - "The evil of ISIS really shouldn't shock us - it is fully in keeping with their ultimate agenda of hastening a final apocalypse... One thing is for sure - one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hinduism - "No elephant with 100 arms can do anything for me. None of their 9,000 gods is going to lead me to salvation."

Same-Sex Marriage - "True followers of Jesus Christ... cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter... This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not supject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of Almighty God who established the standard of living for the world He created."

Homosexuality - "The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin — there are not ifs, ands or buts."

Transgender Restrooms - "[The idea] is not only ridiculous, it's unsafe. Common sense tells us that this would open the door, literally, to all sorts of serious concerns, including giving sexual predators access to children. It violates every sense of privacy and decency for people of both sexes, adults and children."

Secularism - "When the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said we had won... [but then] Secularism came. And Secularism and Communism are the same thing. They're godless. They're anti-Christ."

Christian Persecution - "Even in America there has recently grown an ugly, anti-Christian bias and intolerance that is changing our nation from the inside out, opening doors for all kinds of discrimination and loss of religious freedom that we hear about daily in the news."

Government - "We're living now in a time where we see the spirit of Antichrist is at the government level." "I have no confidence that any politician or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to take a stand."

Matt Walsh #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

1) It is always wrong to intentionally kill innocent, defenseless human beings.

2) Unborn babies are human beings. They cannot possibly be any other species but human.

3) Therefore, abortion intentionally kills innocent and defenseless human beings.

4) Therefore, abortion is wrong.

This is the pro-life argument broken down as simply as possible. It's a very strong argument. In fact, no one on the pro-abortion side has ever been able to answer it. Instead they change the subject or obsess over the hard cases.

Conservatives should bring it back to this argument. This totally unanswerable, obviously correct, morally and logically coherent argument.

Instead they run away whimpering, letting the pro-aborts off the hook.
4:40 AM · Apr 11, 2024 728.2K Views
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Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

There is no excuse for abortion to be legal. None.

An unborn baby is a human person.

This is obvious by nature of human reason, but 95% of academic biologists around the globe also say a human life begins the moment of conception.

People have a God-given right to life.

Abortion kills that life. Brutally. Via suffocation, dismemberment, lethal injection, crushing of the skull.

clirus #fundie #kinkshaming #forced-birth #homophobia christianforums.com

Democrats - Soft on Security

The Patriot Act fiasco again points out the fact that democrats are still soft on security. Being soft of security is what lead to the 9/11 attack that killed 3000 Americans in American cities. The democrats like to say they are protecting civil liberties. That is equivalent to their statements that pornography is freedom of speech, abortion is a woman's choice, and homosexuality is a civil right. It is no wonder Clinton knew he could get away with the big lie that, I did not have sex with that woman.

The fear of criticism by the Atheistic liberal news media is what keep Clinton from taking on Iraq and Afghanistan. Why should Republicans take the blame for solving problems and the democrats set around looking like peace lovers. It is ironic that people who solve problems are criticized and people who do nothing are praised. Of course the doing nothing catches up with you, as it did with 9/11.

The Middle East problem is not going to be solved until Syria and Iran are dealt with. If it is done by Republicans, it should be done with a full declaration of war that carries with it a total censorship of the news media. It is unlikely Republican will deal with the Syria and Iran issue because of the pain inflicted by the Atheistic liberal news media, and certainly the democrats are not going to do anything because they are soft on security.

I guess it is time to start preparing for the next Middle East war.

The list of things the democrats never got done is long. They never had an energy policy. They never had an education policy. They never had a medical insurance policy. They never had an immigration policy. They never had a solution for social security. The foreign policy of the democrats was an policy of appeasement that led to 9/11, the North Korea mess, and the failure to resolve the Israeli - Palestine problem. The only policies democrats do have are socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion and homosexuality, none of which should be supported by Christians.

Democrats are soft on security, but strong on sin.

During democratic administrations problems develop and there is little criticism. During Republican administrations problems are solved but there is great criticism. It is a wonder the Atheistic liberal news media has not questioned the legality of President Bush breathing. The Atheists who question the legality of everything President Bush does are the one who most often violate God's law. I wonder what would occur if there was a fair and balanced news media instead of the Atheistic liberal news media.

It is pitiful that America does have the stomach for the urban gorilla wars such as Iraq, because that is the model for all future wars. If Iran gets a nuclear device, it might be different, but generally the nature of war will be house to house and roadside bombs. You will know the war has been won when the people are providing tips on the enemy. I totally blame the inability to fight a urban gorilla war on the democrats and the Atheistic liberal news media.

Ben Garrison #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

This is beyond right vs. left and Democrats vs.Republicans. This is spiritual warfare—good vs. evil. One side worships Jesus, celebrates Easter, and honors our fallen. The other side worships Satan, celebrates perversion and abortion, and honors criminals. America must choose wisely by choosing ‘good’ in the November election.

Join us on SubscribeStar, you can support Ben with an easy monthly donation and see all cartoons before they are published, see you there!

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

In the Fox News article, Harris is quoted equating abortion with "reproductive healthcare." But abortion is death to a human being--it's the murder of a child.

Harris claims, "attacks against an individual's right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous, and in many instances, just plain immoral."

First of all, a child developing in it's mother's womb is not part of the women's body. Harris doesn't understand science or the reproductive health system. A fertilized human egg is looked on by the mother's body as foreign tissue to reject. The same sort of thing happens if someone has a kidney transplant, which is why they need anti-rejection drugs. But the woman's body has an inbuilt anti-rejection system God created to enable the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus to develop the body of the individual.

Secondly, once an egg is fertilized, no new information is ever added, so the fertilized egg is 100 percent a human being made in God's image.

Thirdly, the genetic information in a fertilized egg is a very different combination to that of the woman or the man. This is a unique individual different from any other human being ever, now, or that will exist.

Fourthly, if the fertilized egg is male, the Y chromosome came from the man, not the woman, so how can this be a part of the women's body when she has a different combination of information?

Notice also that Harris uses the word "immoral." What does she mean by that? What is her absolute authority to claim something is "immoral?" If the God of the bible is not the absolute authority, then morality is relative and her statement about something being "immoral" is meaningless as it's all subjective depending on what a person decides.

Missouri Republicans #crackpot #fundie #forced-birth stltoday.com

Despite recent blowups among Republicans in the Missouri Senate, the majority party remained unified Wednesday to block a Democratic effort to legalize abortion in cases of rape or incest.

All Republicans present voted down amendments by Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, to legalize abortion in cases of rape and incest.

Sen. Sandy Crawford, R-Buffalo, said she opposed exceptions for rape and incest because life is precious. “God is perfect. God does not make mistakes. And for some reason he allows that to happen — bad things happen,” she said. “I’m not gonna be able to support the amendments because I am very pro-life.”

The Senate ended debate for the night before a vote could occur on an amendment by Sen. Doug Beck, D-south St. Louis County, which would authorize abortion if the pregnant girl was 12 or younger. Beck raised concerns about health issues for child rape victims forced to carry their pregnancies to term.

The amendment led to a pointed exchange between Beck and Sen. Bill Eigel, R-Weldon Spring, who is running for governor.

“You want to bring back the institution of abortion so that kids can get abortions in the state of Missouri,” Eigel said to Beck. “A 1-year-old could get an abortion under this,” Eigel said.

“I don’t know that a 1-year-old could get pregnant, senator,” Beck said.

“You’re OK with forced birth of a child being raped, right?” Beck asked Eigel.

“I don’t support the institutions of rape or of incest. But your amendment doesn’t address those,” Eigel said.

Pat Robertson & Wendy Griffith #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

“I think you got to remember from the Bible, if you look carefully at the Bible what would have happened in Jesus’ time if two men decided they wanted to cohabit together, they would have been stoned to death,” Robertson said. “So Jesus would not have baked them a wedding cake nor would he have made them a bed to sleep in because they wouldn’t have been there. But we don’t have that in this country here so that’s the way it is.” (Robertson’s claim that Jesus would never have encountered a same-sex couple is a matter of debate.)

Robertson added: “Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have to recognize what I said a few years ago, at that point homosexual marriage was condemned, homosexuality itself was considered a pathology and now those that are practicing that activity have turned and become the oppressors of those who hold deeply-held religious points of view, the tables have turned.”

“What is it about gays? What is it about abortion? Have you ever thought why they’re on the forefront right now? Both of them deny the reproduction of human species,” Robertson said, adding that homosexuality is “a meaningless exercise because it doesn’t go anywhere.”

“The Devil is trying to say, ‘I’m going to destroy your progeny any way I can. If you will kill your babies, that’s fine, I’m with you; if you will deny the chance of having babies, that’s fine too; but I want to destroy your opportunities to reproduce,’” he said. “It’s a very serious thing and we’re not talking about it, and we need to as a society, we have to realize where the attack is coming because it is definitely an attack.”

Co-host Wendy Griffith agreed: “The Devil wants to steal, kill and destroy. Well said Pat.”

Baldrick Cunningplan #homophobia #forced-birth evcforum.net

The question isn't how I sleep at night. The question is how you don't choke to death, what with all the bullshit spewing from your mouth. The idea that "homophobia" (a fictitious word fabricated by liberals) is comparable to ethnic discrimination is utterly comical (although not in any way that makes me laugh), as is the idea that there's something wrong with the latter. I have the right to take away the happiness of homosexuals, just as I have the right to take away the happiness of any pedophile or any other breed of subhuman. The happiness of sick freaks must never come at the expense of the basic human sense of right and wrong. It certainly must not come at the expense of what is best for children. Anyone who supports abortion must hang from the neck till dead (it's genuinely nothing but baby-murdering...but I guess women don't have a problem with killing millions of babies as long as women get all the rights they want and don't have to experience any physical discomfort), but I can safely tell you that, were I not yet born, and I had sentience and the option of either being raised by homosexuals or being aborted, I would choose abortion without a second thought. If it's not wrong to discriminate against homosexuals then it can't possibly be wrong to elect the Grand Dragon of the KKK for president. How do I sleep at night? No. The question is how do YOU sleep at night?

And yes, I know that I supposedly supported abortion just now after saying anyone who does must die, but I already know that, so don't be a smartass. And I would be aborting myself, not anyone else.

Nya Nya Jo #fundie #wingnut #sexist #forced-birth #homophobia edendecoded.com

People want to say that religion and politics doesn't mix, but it does!

Biblical history shows us that the law of the land IS a religion; and the religion IS the law of the land. Ultimately, the politics (religious beliefs) of every society was based on what god or gods were worshiped. And this is no different to what we are witnessing now in our political arena.

SO THE QUESTION is what religious doctrine did Black women overwhelmingly subscribe to, that can be credited for destroying the traditional Black family?

We can NOT say it's Christianity. Because the black church never taught nor endorsed single motherhood as a viable option to Christian motherhood: which is found within the sanctity of a marriage covenant between a man and a woman.

The Bible, along with the Christian faith that rests on it, is replete with admonishments and warnings to avoid the type of sexual activity that leads to whoredom becoming the culture of the land. Nevertheless black women by and large (to the tune of 72% by recent stats) have rejected the biblical Christian standard. So what spiritual standard are they living by?

I believe Black women subscribed to the religious doctrine of Liberalism. You may be thinking that liberalism is not a religion, but it is. Liberalism is a very old ancient religion started over 3,000 years ago.

DID YOU KNOW the following about liberalism?

• Liberalism is based on the Roman god Liber.

• The Roman god name Liber means 'the free one;' its alternate Roman name was Bacchus; and the Greeks referred to this god as Dionysus.

• Liber is described as androgynous, man-womanish, sensuous, naked or half-naked.

• Liber is the god of wine, fertility, debauchery, uninhibited freedom and free speech.

• Liber's worship centered around large phallics; consisted of orgies, drunkenness, intoxication through various potions, and sexual activities (including homosexual acts).

• The Liber cult conducted human and animal sacrifices.

• Originally, Liber rituals were only attended and conducted by women, who practiced sexual masturbation rituals with carved life-sized phallic objects.

• Liber was the patron deity of the common people of Rome (the lower social classes); such as women who had lesser rights than the common man in ancient Roman society; slaves and foreigners.

• Worship of Liber taught civil disobedience to the established social order and the transformation of religious authority. Very much like what we've seen recently in the news with the riots and angry protests after the Presidential election that was won by Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

• In 186BC, the Roman Senate banned Liber worship because it was considered to be a threat to the security of the Roman Republic due to their political conspiracies, crimes and debauchery.

Now, let's take a look at our modern (current) Liberal politics.

Americn Liberalism is obsessed with sex - especially the kind that deals with homosexual and other alternative sexual infatuations. It also has an unhealthy focus on redefining family structure and twisting gender roles and identity.

The driving force behind liberalism is to create anarchy through 'anti-establishment' rhetoric; and to ultimately destroy traditional social principles by using the political system and process.

Modern liberalism aims to:

• End 'partriachy;' which means to prevent men from fulfilling their God-given right of leadership in home, government, moral authority; thus stripping men of their role and rights as fathers.

• Endorse free speech of every type and hue - except for free speech that contains traditional Christian principles.

• Teach sexual liberation; challenge the traditional codes of sexual behavior through LGBTQ special rights, laws and overwhelming media coverage.

• Promote free love; and that sexual freedom is a direct expression of power and authority.

• Normalize birth control (abortion), public nudity, masturbation, sex toys, pornography, premarital (casual) sex, sex with children (pederasty) and homosexuality.

• Reshape the image of the traditional family to include open marriage, spouse swapping, swinging and same-sex marriage.

• Make recreational drugs and alcohol easily accessible.

SO I ASK YOU: How could the black family remain intact with women that chose to adopt a liberal mindset that involved twisting gender roles, pushing the natural boundaries of sex, fighting against the God-given role men were given as leader in the home, indulging in all types of anti-biblical forms of intoxication, and devaluing their children to the point where they see nothing wrong in aborting them?

Liberalism is anti-god in all its ways.

Under liberalism black women have become gender confused, domineering over men (which is a hallmark of that confusion), whoreish (unable to get married, or maintain a marriage), excessive masturbators, sexual predators, cold and callous towards children (including the unborn), promoters of abortion (infanticide), drunkards (excessive drinkers), with a desire to assume final authority over men in the workplace, in government, in the church, and in their homes. These women rather pattern themselves after the image of liberalism, rather than the image of the virtuous women in the Bible who chose to honor God by becoming wives and mothers under the authority and headship of husbands.

And just like that, over the past 50 years, the Liberal political system converted the minds of women into pagan worshipping harlots of the god called Liber.

The Devil used Black Women as a 'legal and lawful' satanic attack on the black family. Ana if not rectified, this is the blueprint the Devil will use to destroy families of other races, ethnicities and cultures.

Satan has the blueprint for family destruction, and he will continue to use it across our country and the world.

Leviticus 19:29 (KJV) warns us: "Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."

So what we are witnessing right now is the result of generational self-prostitution of women; women choosing the lifestyle of whoredom over the standards of the Bible. And unashamedly, Black women voted for laws that led to the destruction of the Black family all so she could have laws that supported her ability to live a life of whoredom.

Hard truth: You don't have the mind of Jesus Christ if you choose to live life as a whore. You have the mind of some other god.

It is our lifestyle that shows our dedication to a specific set of religious beliefs. And we make sure our beliefs are cemented and protected through the laws and policies of our land via civil rights or identity rights.

I plead with Christians - particularly black Christian women and men to get involved in changing this damnable mindset of liberalism that has crept into our churches. Get involved in reshaping the political ideology to be pro-Christian!

We have a mandate and duty to be that light on the hill; I like to think of that hill as also including Capitol Hill.

Will YOU be that light? Become part of the movement to overthrow liberalism in the Church and in the black community. And let's restore the biblical perspective as the right foundation on which to build our homes, lives, communities and nation on.

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

“An unborn baby is a baby if it’s wanted but if it’s unwanted or disabled or sick then it’s not a baby, it’s a fetus, and a fetus is a not a baby.”

The entire ‘pro-choice’ position is built on this utter nonsense.
8:59 AM · Mar 9, 2024 · 47.6K Views
419 Reposts 23 Quotes 2,319 Likes 48 Bookmarks

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Kamala Harris is touring a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

ZERO Christian can ever, ever vote Democrat.

Democrats are literally celebrating the butcher of unborn children in an effort to win votes.

It’s the epitome of evil.
1:50 PM · Mar 15, 2024 · 104.3K Views
1,167 Reposts 55 Quotes 4,584 Likes 28 Bookmarks

Bill Williams #homophobia #forced-birth lettersfrombill.tumblr.com

History tells us how society has changed and established different standards. Take homosexuality, for example. When this perverse behavior is taught as an alternative lifestyle, we see same-sex marriages, homosexuals adopting children, and schools such as Penn State. We see how homosexuality affects society’s standards.

Abortion as a form of birth control said it has had enormous effects on our society. Massachusetts schools had several young girls make a pact to experience pregnancy, not having any regard for the consequences of their actions. More men and women are destroying their marriages through adultery which is having an overwhelming impact on their children.

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When asked by the religious hypocrites if the woman caught in the act of adultery should be stoned as Moses commanded, our Lord lovingly said, John 8:7, “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Thus, we learn that it is never Biblical to condemn anyone for their sins, because we are just as guilty of sin in the sight of a holy God (Romans 2:1).

Yet, it is still Biblical that all sin brings death (Romans 6:23), and certain sins are listed as crimes in the Holy Bible, which are deserving of capital punishment, which a godly government would enforce. Such crimes include murder, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, idolatry and incest. When the United States of America was founded, homosexuality was thought worthy of capital punishment. Thus, it is not being unChristlike to uphold the Biblical truth that homosexuals should be executed as criminals, just as murders and adulterers. Jesus was not in a position of government authority as a judge, and so as a citizen He showed compassion for His fellow mankind. If Jesus were physically alive on earth today, He would never accept the position of a judge in America, because He would have to enforce ungodly laws that permit murder by abortion, permit same-sex perversion, permit wicked divorces and hordes of other evils.

David J. Stewart #fundie #pratt #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

People who live in gross immorality become so used to it that the awfulness of sin is gone. Think with me, if you will, how evil America has become. We teach our children the blatant lies of evolution, without the slightest shred of proof to back up the ludicrous claims. What was once an unproven theory is now arrogantly (and sinfully) taught by wicked men and women as fact. And please don't mistake the legitimate science of an old earth for the bogus deception of evolution. The Bible teaches that the earth is indeed millions of years old, but mankind was created by God at approximately 4,000 B.C. as taught in the Genesis account of Creation. For an in-depth Biblical exegesis on this important matter, please read, THE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION (or don't let Satan make a monkey out of you) by Dr. Max D. Younce.

How wicked is America? We have slaughtered, brutally murdered over 55,000,000 precious babies since Roe vs. Wade in 1972 and the number is only going higher and higher! Worldwide, a startling 1,700,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion! Sicko John Wayne Gacy murdered 33 young men and was sentenced to death; yet there are abortion doctors who have murdered THOUSANDS of human beings in the womb, cutting their bodies into pieces like Jeffrey Dahmer, putting their body parts into refrigerators, and even selling the BODY PARTS! Yet these evil doctors of death are sinfully honored by a wicked society which craves more and more death and gore on television. TV has completely DESENSITIZED our society to the value of human life and the horrific evils of abortion and war. Americans have become indifferent, complacent and spoiled.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg concerning America's utter wickedness in the sight of God, and the irony of a Noah's ark theme park amidst such a wicked people! As I type, at least 13 states have now legalized homosexual unions (errantly called “marriages”). The only “gay marriage” is between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin which brings the judgment of God. It's just a matter of time, likely if Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton is appointed Commander-In-Thief of our nation, that the U.S. Supreme Court (supreme arrogance against God) will legalize same-sex unions at a federal level, just like Roe vs. Wade (of which 37 states had already legalized abortion at the time it was federalized). Same-sex marriage is the death of America in so many ways! Even in Noah's time we don't read about homosexuals getting legally married, which is sanctioning the wickedness, claiming it is good and acceptable to God. Biblically, God hates all sin (Psalms 97:10; Hebrews 1:9). God destroyed the entire world by flood because of their constant wickedness. We need 40 days of rain today!

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve had people ask me in recent times, “Is the West under divine judgment.”

Let me give you some insight in regard to America first.

Is America under judgment is a question I’ve been pondering, especially when we find examples like an evangelical pastor who was reported to have said the following according to a Christian news outlet:

“Materialism, drunkard pleasure seeking, arrogant conceit, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, and corrupt leadership . . . . Do you not see [them] in America? . . .
“[P]eople [ask] what is wrong with this country? . . . They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself.”

In explaining the use of his words arrogant conceit, this pastor added that America was largely guilty of this sin because: “When a society does not want to hear from God, but wants to be its own authority where every man does that which is right in his own eyes and feels that he is the ultimate authority, he is the ultimate source of truth.”

The pastor further observed: “We are not a covenant people in America, but we have been a privileged people.” He stated that while America did not have a “divine promise as a unique nation called out,” it had nevertheless been given “exposure to the divine promises of the gospel in Jesus Christ.”

The pastor further explained: “No other nation has literally been born out of a desire to be faithful and obedient to the living and abiding Word of God.”

Yes, I believe America is under divine judgment. To show you how, just consider some of the ways America has progressively been trying to remove God from this culture:

In 1962, school prayer was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 1963, Bible reading in public schools was also ruled unconstitutional.
In 1973, restrictions on abortion were lifted, and abortion clinics began to permeate the nation (through the infamous Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court).
In 1985, nativity scenes in public places were ruled to violate the so-called “separation of church and state.”

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

All we hear about nowadays is how religion throughout the ages has caused wars and suppressed people's rights. Increasingly, children today are being brainwashed to view Christianity as a power-hungry "MAGISTERIUM" (i.e., the evil organization in The Golden Compass), which seeks to suppress the rights of homosexuals, Wiccan witches, Evolutionists, abortionists, feminists and other degenerates of society. The fact is that God's Word, the Bible, condemns these sins. Just as Satan caused Eve to sinfully magnify her restrictions (i.e., the rules God had made), so do God-hating atheists today desire to instill in children a resentment for God's Word which restricts the freedoms of the wicked. Public school children are being taught that Christianity is bigoted and unfair, just as Satan caused Eve to think God was being unfair.

The grave danger of Harry Potter and The Golden Compass is that they cause children to view God as being unfair, in a learning environment where any type of discrimination is considered wrong. The fact of the matter is that God commands us to discriminate in certain cases... "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." Christians are commanded not to associate with any professed Christian who is a drunkard, chases women, lives for money or lives in unrepentant sin. Certainly, Christians are not supposed to associate with unsaved heathens (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17), other than to befriend them with the Gospel as Jesus did. Public school children are being taught that the sin of homosexuality should be accepted; BUT, God says "No." Now you know why homosexuals hate God's Word so much.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth jesus-is-savior.com

I do NOT hate anyone here at Jesus-is-Savior.com; on the contrary, I LOVE people very much. The whole purpose of my ministry is to HELP people. There is a war on for our minds and souls. I do not discriminate in any way. I simply present the truth, particularly the truth of God's Word, and expose those who seek to distort, confuse, and corrupt the truth. The Devil is a beautiful liar. The best way to expose the darkness is to shine the light. John 8:45, “And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.” —Jesus Christ

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” —The Apostle Paul I do NOT intend to be unkind to anyone. I simply speak the truth. My website preaches to me as much as anyone else. I do NOT hate anybody. What I DO hate is evil and damnable heresies that ruin people’s lives and lead them into Hell. "The fear of the LORD is to HATE evil..." —Proverb 8:13

I do NOT hate the sinner, no not one. As Christians we like people for their good qualities, but we are supposed to love them despite their faults. No one is perfect. In fact, Jesus only died for “the ungodly.” Romans 5:6... “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” —Romans 5:6

There is no sinner that God doesn't love. Only a hypocritical, self-righteous person would claim that God doesn't love the worst sinner. Christ died for the UNGODLY, which is what you and I are. There is hope for anyone who acknowledges their guilt of sin and looks to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. It's not what you're doing that gets you to Heaven, it's where you're looking. Look to Jesus!

No one hates sin any more than God, yet He sent His only begotten Son in the flesh to die for men's sins... "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." —Romans 5:8

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, HATRED, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” —Galatians 5:19-21

“Hatred” of people is a work of the flesh, it is sin. Hatred is normal for the unsaved or “carnal man” who is living in sin, but the Bible teaches that hatred of people is not acceptable with God. God wants believers to be “spiritually minded.” God's love is an unconditional love, which is not dependent upon how people live or treat us. Few people understand the love of God, that sent Jesus to die for the sins of a rotten world that deserves nothing better than eternal punishment in Hell. If God didn't unconditionally love sinners, including the unsaved, then all humanity would immediately plunge into the depths of Hell. The Bible teaches that humanity is prone to DISOBEDIENCE and WRATH...

“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the CHILDREN OF WRATH, even as others.” —Ephesians 2:2,3

God describes humanity as the “children of disobedience” and the “children of wrath.” Human nature is prone to disobey God. History evidences that mankind is destined to war and destruction. There is so much hatred in the world today. It's a dog-eat-dog world. We see much hatred in the manure-spreading newsmedia. We see much hatred in today's youth, who despise Christianity and have been taught to feel sympathy for godless homosexuals and abortionists. Very few people these days genuinely love the God of the Bible. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned EVERY ONE to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." —Isaiah 53:6

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are NOT supposed to hate anyone. The Bible commands us to hate sin and evil, but never the people. This is not to say that we ought to sinfully compromise and yoke together with heathens, it just means that we are no better than anyone else and we'd all immediately plunge into Hell if it weren't for God's grace. As mentioned already, this is NOT a hate sight. It is actually a “Love Site.” My love for the Lord prompts me to contend for the faith and exercise my God-given religious freedom. Our rights do not come from the Bill of Rights or the U.S. Constitution, they come from God Almighty. The Constitution only outlines our rights. We are born with certain inalienable rights. One of these rights is the freedom of speech. Evil men may take that right away from us, but God certainly doesn't. We have a right to speak out against the evil and corruption hurting our community.

As a matter of fact, God commands us to refute evil. Ephesians 5:11, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." I mean no harm to anyone, nor do I seek to offend. The truth may hurt, but it needs to be spoken. The truth makes some people mad. The truth offends most people. Is it any wonder why God calls us “the children of disobedience?”

John 8:40, “But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth—” —Jesus Christ

Hopefully you will find this ministry a blessing and a benefit (as so many have). If you are offended, please know that it was not my intention. It is the truth that offends people, not me. I am not trying to upset anyone, though the truth often upsets people. I am just a voice. I am only expressing my heart-felt Christian beliefs. It is my hope that you will “have mercy on me” as you browse over my website, i.e., my ministry. Surely with all of the truths on a website this large, something will rub you the wrong way. I respect your right to disagree. It's ok to agree to disagree. I do not mean to offend anyone; however, I make no apologies for speaking the truth.

I do NOT enjoy upsetting people. There's hardly a day that passes when I'm not surprised by something new I've learned. My website is the accumulation of 7-years of things I have learned, and I've just scratched the surface. You needn't believe anything I say; but rather, verify the facts for yourself. I avoid topics such as UFO's that cannot be verified. There's a lot of deliberate misinformation on the internet, intended to discredit legitimate websites that promote the truth. I want to deal in FACTS, which cannot be explained away.

I praise God for the Constitutional right to express my opinion. This is every American's right. My purpose is NOT to attack people, God forbid. I am simply trying to expose false teachings and false religions, that send men and women to Hellfire by the tens-of-thousands every day. When you love someone, you tell them the truth, even if it makes you unpopular. I recently went to the grocery store. I had a nice conversation with a young man and a young woman who worked for the store. The young man helped to unload my groceries and place them onto the checkout counter. I thanked him. The young woman was working the register. He rolled the cart to the end of the counter and left a case of root beer in the cart. I mentioned the case of root beer to the cashier, but she didn't charge me for it. I knew they were trying to be friendly and I knew they were trying to give me a free case of root beer, but I couldn't allow them to do it.

I again asked her if she had charged me for the case of root beer and then she apologized for missing it. She couldn't look me in the eye when she handed me my credit card back. They had tried to steal from the store to be nice to me. I wanted to make friends with them and didn't like refusing their token of kindness, but it was wrong, it wasn't their food to give away. Although I felt bad, and they felt bad, I did the right thing. I spoke the truth. I would rather have no friends than have thieves as friends. I am not perfect, but I have enough things to answer to God for without adding more to it. At some point in life, we need to get serious about serving God. If we love God, then we'll make an effort to do right.

2nd Thessalonians 2:10, “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” The Bible teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 that many people will be deceived in the Last Days by the Antichrist because they received not the love of the truth. The truth is important. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17).

“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” —Ephesians 4:26

May I say, it’s ok to be angry. Jesus became angry when the priests had turned God's house into a den of thieves. However, notice the next part of the verse we just read... “and sin not.” Jesus became angry, but he didn't sin. Jesus never sinned (2nd Corinthians 5:21). As an example: I hate abortion! I think abortion is cold-blooded murder. Less than .01% of total abortions are caused by incidents of rape and incest. Yet, these extremes are often used to justify all abortions. Ninety-nine percent of all abortions are simply the evil deeds of irresponsible people. HOWEVER, I don't hate anyone involved with abortion, not one bit. I love them because God has commanded us to love all people. Don’t you think that if God wanted to put an end to this mess, He could? Of course God could! And He will friend, in His own time.

Psalm 47:8, "God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness."

I can't say much about blocking abortion clinics, because I would jump right in front of the door if it were my child about to be murdered. The Bible commands me to love my neighbor as myself (Leviticus 19:18). If that were me about to be aborted, I would want someone to save my life! Americans have hit a new moral low, now murdering their own babies? It is wickedness. Abortionists have the same sick philosophy as Adolf Hitler, i.e., that certain classes of people have a right to life, and others don't. Abortionists don't believe that the unborn fetus has a right to life. They effectively believe that the living are superior to the fetus in the womb. A society that will murder it's unborn is capable of any evil imaginable. Any evil imaginable!

The Scriptures teach, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” There is a fine line between faith and foolishness. We should be angered about abortion, day and night. However, we must be careful to channel that anger through constructive channels which will prevent further abortions, not put us in prison. The best way to fight abortion is by word-of-mouth and public education. We can all SPEAK OUT against abortion in an appropriate manner as civilized people. And we must speak out..."Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" —Psalm 94:16

Anti-abortion signs are working great nationwide. Thousands of babies have been spared the tortuous death of abortion. God bless the efforts of the folks at Repent America and Operation Rescue. We can do many good things to fight the New World Order, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, etc cetera; but we must not become hateful of the sinner. The best way to stop abortion is to hold up the graphic posters of aborted pieces of children for expectant mothers to view, and to educate them about available Christian adoption services. The wicked politicians and judges in America, who have permitted the murder of tens-of-millions of babies, will give account to God, just as wicked King Herod had to give account for murdering thousands of children in an attempt to kill Jesus. Most of all, the American public is to blame, for tolerating such wickedness and remaining silent concerning evil.

Admittedly, there are many religious “nuts” in the world. As true believers, the Bible should create in us a “sound mind” (which is spoken of in the book of Second Timothy)—“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND.” —2nd Timothy 1:7

"Sound" meaning "clear in thought." We are to be level-headed while the world is going insane. The world has become a large insane asylum. If crazy people want to murder their children, we must NOT join the craziness. No "sound" individual would take the life of their own child. I have only used the issue of abortion as an example of how believers are supposed to behave themselves. We are to HATE sin; but not the sinner. Unfortunately, it's getting to the place where Christians won't even be able to speak out anymore against sin if the heathen get their way. We are living in a rotten society. I foresee the day when churches will lose their tax-exemption for speaking out against homosexuality, and be prosecuted for not hiring them. The Bible says the day is coming when the wicked will kill believers, thinking they are doing God a favor...

"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service."
—John 16:2

We read that evil men and seducers will become worse and worse..."But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit." —Jude 1:17-19

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." —2nd Timothy 2:13

God’s people are to be peace-loving people—“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” —Romans 12:18

God’s people are to be peaceful people—“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” —Hebrews 12:14

Dr. John R. Rice wrote a book entitled, “I Am A Fundamentalist!” In that book, there is a chapter called, “I Am a Fundamentalist, Not a Nut.” There’s plenty of nuts in the world; God’s children should NOT be in that group. Hating evil is a Biblical command (Psalm 97:10). Taking a stand against evildoers is Biblical (Psalm 94:16). I speak the truth in love as Ephesians 4:15 tells us to. Teaching the inspired Word of God is certainly not hatred. Abortion is murder and someone needs to speak out on behalf of those human beings in the womb. Genuine love speaks the truth.

So friend... having said all the above, I want to say once more... This is NOT a hate site, it is a LOVE site. May God bless you friend and always remember, GOD LOVES PEOPLE!!!

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #wingnut twitter.com

I’ve never heard of anyone, pro-choicers included, refer to a woman pregnant with a planed child as being pregnant with a “fetus.” I’ve also never heard of anyone throwing a “fetus shower.”

Women get pregnant with babies and they throw baby showers. We all universally know that preborn children are human beings. Pro-abortion supporters just pretend they aren’t when they want to dehumanize them. They use special language so they don’t feel guilty about supporting the slaughter of the innocent.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie twitter.com

Through Charles Darwin’s work, he provided a supposed scientific justification for a very particular kind of racism.

He wrote some despicable things in his book, The Descent of Man, that led to all kinds of horrific atrocities.

For instance, Darwin considered the Australian Aboriginal people as basically the "missing links" in human evolution, as they were supposedly closer to the claimed ape-like ancestor. Hitler and Margaret Sanger adopted Darwins' ideas regard the supposed evolution of man which provided a foundation for the the murder of tens of millions of human beings through the Holocaust and abortion (eg: Planned Parenthood which Sanger founded).

Watch this short video clip by
speaker Avery as she quotes Darwin and shows the link to racism.


Laura Lopez #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth palmbeachpost.com

Eighty books in high school library stacks are corrupting students with tales of abortion, homosexuality and atheism. That's according to a West Palm Beach mother who has appealed to the school board to remove the books from the shelves of Dreyfoos and Royal Palm Beach high schools.

Laura Lopez has been fighting since September to ban these books that she says "promote sin and lies."


Lopez admits she hasn't read a single one of the objectionable books cover-to-cover.

In her appeal, she quotes scripture and blames the Columbine school shootings, drugs, bullies, teenage pregnancy and other ills on what she considers the removal of God from schools.

She targets literary genres ranging from reference books to short stories. Among the books she wants removed are "Medical Ethics: Moral and Legal Conflicts in Health Care," "Warriors of God: Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin in the Third Crusade," "Coping When a Parent is Gay" and "The Cider House Rules," a John Irving novel about a rural doctor who runs an orphanage and performs illegal abortions.

Lopez said the book challenges stemmed from a basic interest in the types of books in her sons' school libraries.

So, she went to the computerized card catalogue and typed in the keywords "homosexuality," "abortion" and "atheism." She was shocked by the dozens of titles that popped up.

"My kids are going to school to learn, not to become a homosexual or an abortion doctor or an atheist," she said.


In her objection to "Am I Blue?: Coming out from the Silence," a collection of 18 short stories about gay and lesbian issues, Lopez wrote: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and not Eve and Sue."


Even within her own home, reaction is split.

"My oldest son doesn't believe in God," she said. "I guess he kind of thinks I'm stupid."