Conservapedia entry #fundie
"Some argue that atheism partly stems from a failure to fairly and judiciously consider the facts"
"Some argue that atheism partly stems from a failure to fairly and judiciously consider the facts"
Enrollment hits 43 in the free upcoming course here: Conservapedia:American Government 101. Join now while there is still space! Advantages over public school include:
an anti-Christian zealot won't gun you down in class as in Columbine
you won't have to watch an Al Gore movie
you won't have to see Goth clothing on your classmates
you won't have to pretend that the drug addicts are cool
you won't have to fear being sued by the ACLU for leading the class in prayer
11% of United States federal community grants by the Bush Administration goes towards faith-based programs. Guess what percentage of the nearly $100 million in grants by the Gates Foundation in 2007 has gone towards faith-based programs. Unlike the federal government, the Gates Foundation is not constrained by the Establishment Clause.
Answer: Zero percent.[2] The Gates Foundation is more hostile to religion than the federal government is.
Uncyclopedia is a parody encyclopedia created in January 2005. It now has over 23,000 articles. Popular topics parodied include Global warming, Evolution and Creation, the Bush regime, Conservapedia, and popular culture. A recurring joke on the site is making up Oscar Wilde quotes as well as quotes by Chuck Norris, Captain Obvious, Kanye West, and Russian Reversals.
Uncyclopedia, despite being a parody of Wikipedia, supports much of the same material that Wikipedia does. They take an obviously liberal stance, and much of their humor is directed at Christian and Conservative values. In particular, their article on Conservapedia is composed mostly of hate speech, labelling Conservatives as "retards". In addition, they attack creationism via a "pro-creationist" article, which mocks creationism by phrases like "evolution will get you sent straight to hell" and "Darwin was a **** Satanist". At any rate, it is clear that Uncyclopedia hates Christians and creationism, and aims to destroy Conservativism.
...With continuing scientific research, the theory of evolution and its presuppositions have been thoroughly refuted. Take for example the arguments for a recent creation, which show that the Earth and universe could not possibly have evolved over millions of years. However, Evolutionism and the "scientific" theory of evolution continue to be popular in culture.
A major liberal falsehood of the mid-20th century was that intelligent life in outer space must exist, and that America should spend billions looking for it. This falsehood had political overtones in favor of nuclear disarmament, globalism, environmentalism, government spending and atheism. Political and Atheist leaders who were strong advocates that intelligent life must exist in outer space were:
Jimmy Carter
Adolf Hitler
Carl Sagan
Other Liberal Falsehoods
Population Bomb
Global Warming
Global Cooling
Peak Oil
Followers in Young Earth creationism have a different set of beliefs about the Earth. The Bible states in Genesis that the entire earth was formed in six days. Young Earth creationists believe, as Biblical chronology suggests, that the Earth was formed in 4004 B.C. Mainstream scientific journals discriminate against this point of view for "lack of evidence", despite large amounts of Biblical evidence backing this theory.
[Atheist article discussion]
What in the world is going on here? Who put the part about Christians "cherry-picking" the Bible in there? And how about that nonsense about Christians "killing those who try to convert you, stoning homosexuals" etc.? I don't believe the Bible says anything about beheading people of other religions. I think we've confused it with Islam.
[Atheist article discussion]
What in the world is going on here? Who put the part about Christians "cherry-picking" the Bible in there? And how about that nonsense about Christians "killing those who try to convert you, stoning homosexuals" etc.? I don't believe the Bible says anything about beheading people of other religions. I think we've confused it with Islam.
[edit summary after removing "believed by Christians" from "Jesus Christ is believed by Christians to be the only Son of God..."]
remove liberal bias
[This "Christian Wiki" has a very long article on Homosexuality, including 50 references. It has no article on charity, one of the most important of Christian values. What's up with that?]
I'm not sure charity is a particularly theological concept.
Honestly, I think non-married sex should be some form of criminal offense. Not a serious one. Misdemonor, perhaps. Just enough to make it very clear to people that they arn't allowed to do it, and will be punished if they do.
Exotheology and exobiology are pseudosciences relating to a belief in extraterrestrial life, or life in outer space. This was a liberal belief system pushed in the middle of the 20th century by scientists and politicians, often to advance political objectives like nuclear disarmament, globalism, environmentalism, and communism.