
Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

The information in the Bible came from GOD (that’s why it’s so accurate). Are you calling GOD a moron? GOD says that if the people repent, he will spare the world of all the horrors he said he would put upon it. It’s people like you that are causing all the problems in the world. Too many people refuse to repent, and you’re going to learn the hard way that everything in the Bible is true.

Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

I forgot the verse, but the Bible does mention that people will try to prove evolution. They’re trying very hard, may I add. They would lie, spend a lot of money, mix up bones, put together fake parts to say they evolved, etc...

Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

This is exactly why, no matter how hard the U.S tries to control terrorism, no matter how hard they try to gain oil and take control, they will miserably fail (and they will spend a lot of money on it, just like what’s happening now, and there money shall be spent in vain). The Bible is the truth. It’s very consistent with what’s happening right now, and if we don’t repent, something really bad is going to happen to the U.S (whether they like it or not).

Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

I recently seen on the news that if you donate your money to telemarketers, who claim that money is going to the needy, only about six percent (if your lucky) of the money that you donate actually goes to the needy (the rest of it goes to rich people who don’t deserve it).

Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

For many years they have been doing this, and for many years Christians have been pointing out the mistakes the scoffers make (of course they cover it up). Each time the scoffers would simply try harder to make a skull that can convince people. Now with all the genetic engineering we have, we can finally prove evolution? I doubt it, I think those skulls that are trying to prove evolution are made in a laboratory. Look how new they look, if they were about 2.4 million years old, wouldn’t they have decomposed by now (or at least look a little older than they look?).

Evolskeptic #fundie creationtalk.com

... [intelligent design advocates] have been offering evidence for years, but religious presupposition (atheism) blinds the powers that be in the "scientific community" from reaching the correct conclusions about the empirical evidence.

grace006 #fundie creationtalk.com

according to scientists in the big bang theory the ball of matter was spinning. If it was spinning in a clockwise direction than due to the conservation of angular momentum all the plants and such would be spinning in a clockwise direction too. If the big bang theory is true than how come's some of our planets our spinning in the opposite direction. That's just one more fact to make evolution wrong.

dave #fundie creationtalk.com

Thanks for having a site like this! It bothers me so much when people still believe all the lies Darwin made up 100 years ago. He was a product of Satan and his only goal was to distort the truth and confuse believers.

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