
anonguy454 #fundie imdb.com

Why I hate Atheists.
Because they ALWAYS change their tunes on their deathbeds like the p.u.s.s.i.e.s they are. I respect them more if they stood their ground - what, you're gonna let the slight possibility of eternal hellfire, change your mind??? A guy I know was chief surgeon in a New England hospital, and says he never met a dying atheist - figures - they're all fraidy cat hotos.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[about a study showing increased porn consumption in conservative states]

The info doesn't really prove what the article writers is trying to spin it to prove. Hence, as usual, this article is more shady darwinist propaganda.

All those states analyzed have plenty of darwinists in them, and the darwinists are the ones who make up those stats of porn consumers.

To accurately say otherwise (ie: for the article in the OP to not be darwinist propaganda), darwinists would have to be segregated into their own state, and then make an analysis. But darwinists don't care about truth enough to do that. Apparently they can fool enough dumbasses to sympathize with them with propaganda articles like the one in the OP.

Jumbofatcakes #fundie imdb.com

If the earth moved at all out of it's orbit it would explode (or something like that). That right there is incredible proof that this world did not come by CHANCE. Come on, you have to agree. What are the odds of the earth just popping into the PERFECT spot in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?(that's a lot of space to pop up in) I think its because God did it, but if you want to go on thinking that the earth's position is random than I feel very sorry for you.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

[Are seldom actual scientists. Or at least not scientists who work within the relevant disciplines. Most actual scientists agree that evolution is scientific.]

The 'scientists' you refer to in the quoted text are darwinists, not actual scientists. They may slap a misnomer 'scientist' label onto themselves, but they are certainly not scientists. Scientists obey the scientific method. darwinists, like the ones you refer to in the quoted text, do not.

[How often do you find biologists (and with no strong underlying religious motivations, only scientific ones) coming out against evolution and for creationism/ID? ]

All the darwinists you refer to support darwinism solely because darwinism is their religion and they have underlying religious motivations to zealously spread propaganda to promote their faith-based opinions about it to the exclusion of all other points of view, and suppress all other points of view. The people you are referring to are doing exactly the thing you complain about in the quoted text: coming out against creationism/ID due to their underlying religious motivations.

IAmMacGyver #racist imdb.com

[Re: Slumdog Millionaire and The Oscars]


I mean c'mon, this movie was mediocre at best. And now, to be parading all these dirty, smelly, over populating, and disgusting bastards across the stage?! NO!

Stay in your cesspool of a country and stop coming to America. We're tired of you and your smelly kids invading our grocery stores and screaming you "Gobble Gobble" language.

Oh, and isn't security alarmed with all the laser targets on their heads? I mean, the sniper clearly is too nervous to take the shot, but I'm sittin here crossing my fingers..."Pull the trigger man!"

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

For one thing I would just have to look at Dawkins, Hitchens, PZ and Harris as the High-Priest of Sciencism and here you have three of the most arrogant vicious hate-filled human beings you could ever pick from on this planet.

But what about YEC people?
Would there be some test or way to see what would happen if the whole West was run by YEC people.
Because it happens for millennial amounts of time. What the heck lets say 1,400 years ballpark then.
During that time Young Earth Creationists invented the Modern Scientific Method and Modern Democracy, Modern Medicine and pretty much developed the most advanced civilization going.
It wasn't till around the 19th century (so really just last week relatively speaking) that anyone ever heard of this sort of 'Theistic Evolutionism' or anyone trying to be 'Old Earth Creationists' or these sorts of things.

So yeah, we did just fine when everyone was YEC and we will do just fine in the future when everyone is YEC again.

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

[Regarding a film about a girl who helps her friend obtain an illegal abortion in Romania during the 1980s.]

Abortion is a sin against God - a sin against humanity. It is the unjust killing of a human. This film doesn't condemn it at all. It doesn't explore the immoral aspect of abortion in any shape or form. Thus I found watching this film a waste of my time.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

darwin a 'genius', ...way to worship your god again in grand idolatry, darwinists. [[roll]]

I wonder if they are gonna put signs around his 'heritage home' celebrating his/their incest heritage, showing all the places he banged his cousin in his incest/heritage home? Oh wait, that would be bad for PR and when something is bad for PR darwinists just sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist...so guess they won't be doing that.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

What truly is terrible, terrible, is his promotion of darwinist propaganda and wanting it to have a monopoly so it can brainwash everyone to join his religion of darwinism and achieve his desired 100% darwinism belief rate/hivemind that all darwinists crave desperately. It's bad enough he doesn't care about damning his own soul, but wanting others to share in his damnation, well that's just sick.

Creationism is not equal to evolution. Rather, Creationism is far superior to evolution. Scientifically, morally, and spiritually. darwinism is an inherently evil worldview, whereas Creationism is an inherently good worldview.

independentthinker32 #fundie #homophobia #racist imdb.com

[I have no clue how the idea that gay whites don't believe in God connects to the film "Milk", but he manages to do so...]

I known this will sound homophobic(which i'm not)or racist(which i'm not)but the truth is most, not all, gay whites are trying to destroy the sanctity of marriage and now that they have been defeated they are taken their devilish anger out on their usual target...Black people of all faiths. Even Black homosexuals are feeling the wrath of the gay whites. Black homosexuals have been sexually and physically assaulted by these people and the number of attacks have increased since THEIR assault on Black people, Jesus Christ and Christianity began. Swams of gay whites have verbally accausted Black people in gay hubs like San Fransico and New York City. An innocent Black man was beaten by a animalistic gang of gay whites just days after marriage was protected. Thankfully, the gay whites didn't effect him with sodomy(which has been one of the methods of terrorism the gay whites have been planning to use on gay white message boards).

This is a clear indication of the gay white agenda to indoctrinate America with demonistic ideas and to make Black America feel the hatred seething from the pours of the gay whites. Everyone, especially Black people, should know the level of hatred the gay whites have for Black people and why they are using their efforts to rewrite Christianity and to discriminate against Black people.

Black people have been saying for years how the gay whites have been trying to usurp the civil rights movement because the gay whites resent the fact that Black people want to be seen as humans and are not just some mandigo type of caricature that the gay whites can act out their sick, sexual fantasies on. These people never cared about the civil rights movement. remember, where were the gay whites when Black people were being sprayed with hoses and had dogs attacking them? Bath houses, that's where! These people hate the fact that a Black person is now president, they hate the fact that a Black man can marry a Black woman and they hate the fact that a Black CHILD can breathe the same air that a gay white can. Now they are ganging together and planning attacks against Black people EVERYWHERE!

Black poster, know who you are dealing with and stop thinking just because a white person is gay that means they don't hate you. Remember, it was the gay whites that called Black people a n199er in California, just like the KKK and the neo nazis.

dustbunnies-2 #fundie imdb.com

[Poster is referring to the Left Behind Movie]

Now there are people who know something like this is going to happen, and I'm one of them. Sorry guys but this isn't a joke, and it's not just things people believe, it's real. You people can waste all the time u want trying to bring Christians down just so you think you can continue to live in your own way and that's fine, but leave people who like to have morals alone.

These films are made for people who are looking for something more to life, and many do find it watching films like these and yes even attending church. It makes me sad that you people try to do everything you can to make it look like there's no God just so you can make yourself feel better. If your aren't interested in listening to that little voice that's trying to tell you something important, through things like these "stupid" films, that can change your life than go away. Don't make offensive comments on them, and you know haha why didn't "smart" people like you think of this, don't watch the film. Don't bother posting to what I just said because you can't win.

olivery2k #fundie imdb.com

My grandaughter is taking an improv class in highschool and they were told to pair up and improv like they were married. my grandaughter had to be paid with another girl because there were more girls than boys, and their assignment was a three minute improv pretending to be newlyweds on their wedding day.

what has this country come to when a school makes two girls pretend to be lesbians?

JaredThaJa-888 #fundie imdb.com

Just cause somehting happens doesn't mean God approves of it.

It's quite clear in Genesis all the examples of Polygamy are ultimately the cause of the family Dysfunction that is now the source of the entire Middle East crisis.

The Foundation f Traditional Marriage predates all those in Genesis 1&2. God only removes 1 of Adam's Ribs and made him only 1 wife.

OriginalBigWhite #fundie imdb.com

Andy: Surely if it's "observed fact of life" and "very obvious and well known" you must have SOME scientific articles that back up your claims?

OBW: So you admit you cannot prove there are no articles verifying this?

Andy: I now have to go through EVERY scientific journal ever published (should probably add every honours and doctorate thesis in there too) just to prove that your baseless assertions DON'T have journal articles to support them?

OBW: Yes, until you do then my claim wins by default since you cannot prove they 'dont exist' or haven't in some past time.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Don't thank me because you decided by your own volition to entrench yourself further into the darwinist brainwashing machine and not care that when you die you will have to give an account to God, Whom controls your eternal destiny, for spending your life rejecting what He said. That's all on you, I have nothing to do with it. In fact, I encourage you to do the exact opposite of all that. I reject your thanks. You are not welcome to thank me for that.

If you ever wanna thank me for something, then first you must get yourself deprogrammed out of your darwinist mindset, start going to a Bible-believing Church, start reading the Bible and praying to God every day. Do all of that with sincerity. Then after you've done all those things for a few months, there is no doubt you will come to realize the error of (what would then become) your old ways, renounce darwinism, and know your eternal destiny is secure. All that would be the very best thing you would ever do in your entire existence.

If you do all those things, then you may come afterwards and thank me, and I will gladly accept your thanks.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

truecristian9 #fundie imdb.com

[title: CAN MUSLIMS BE GOOD AMERICANS? (yes, all caps like that.)]

Theologically - no . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia.

Religiously - no. . . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256) (Koran ).

Scripturally - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. .. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. . . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. . . . Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34).

Intellectually - no. . . . Becaus e he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles, and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. . . . Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country.

They obviously cannot be both "good" Muslims and good Americans.

* * * Call it what you wish; it's still the truth.

[(and for extra irony points, guess what truecristian9 responded with when someone pointed out that he was wrong on every single level?0]

go post your "religious" intolerant *beep* somewhere else

Aboriginal Australians #fundie imdb.com

Nicole Kidman has enraged Aboriginal leaders in her native Australia by breaking a centuries-old taboo against women playing the didgeridoo.

The actress was seen blowing into the wooden instrument on a German TV chatshow last Saturday.

And several cultural leaders have now criticised her for the stunt, because tradition dictates that only men should play the didgeridoo.

One critic has even suggested Kidman's fertility could be at risk after she broke the ancient rule.

Aboriginal actor and language teacher Richard Green says, "People are going to see Nicole playing it and think it's all right. It bastardises our culture. I will guarantee she has no more children. It is not meant to be played by women as it will make them barren."

And Alan Madden, a cultural officer at Sydney's Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, adds: "I presume she doesn't know, otherwise she wouldn't be playing it."

TheNegroCalvinist #fundie imdb.com

(discussion about feminism and female preachers)

Moreover, I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man. Instead, she is to be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.And it was not Adam who was deceived. It was the woman who was deceived and became a lawbreaker.
1 Timothy 2:12-14

by sonofabiscuiteater #fundie imdb.com

[Atheism is the height of arrogance]

Atheism is the height of arrogance for it says: "If I cannot fathom God, then God does not exist." You seem to glibly dismiss the fact that you live in a world wholly limited by your five senses, or by your brains limited capacity to develop instruments to reach a little beyond your senses, and thus are as unaware of what the total sum of reality may be as one who limited by eyesight, only sees visible light and thus categorically denies that a whole range from infrared to ultraviolet light does not--indeed CANNOT exist--because you cannot sense it. In fact, you mock that which you do not understand for no other reason than you cannot understand it. And to mock 95% of the people on the globe who sense - not without reason - that a higher power than themselves may be at work in theat same universe to me is the height of foolishness... and arrogance

TheNegroCalvinist #fundie imdb.com

1. I'm not a fundie. That's obvious...
2. Moreover, I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man. Instead, she is to be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.And it was not Adam who was deceived. It was the woman who was deceived and became a lawbreaker.
1 Timothy 2:12-14

mcuman #fundie imdb.com

(The Hollywood biopic of Charles Darwin life called Creation.)

How 'bout this for a title: "How I and Siggy Freud Screwed-up Western Thinking For A Hundred And Fifty Years."

vegaf22 #conspiracy imdb.com

[TITLE: Interesting how no news outlets seem to mention Blago is a DEMOCRAT!!!]

Yet another democrat full of scandal, and yet again the news media fails to report party affiliation when it starts with a D.

[Within minutes, another poster responds with TWO links in which Blagojevich is labeled as a Democrat within the first few sentences.]

Congratulations, in the entire news media you found ONE outlet that reports party affiliation. Although, its quite telling that at no point yesterday on the television broadcast did they mention his party affiliation. Whereas if it were a republican you would have had that featured in the breaking news headline.

[Emphasis NOT added, but gee, it sure is convenient, ain't it?]

Bruyeres #conspiracy imdb.com

Re: Why do you oppose gay marriage?

1. Virtually every social science study shows that children reared by a mother and a father in a household is best. Mothers and fathers bring both their inherent, unique qualities in raising children.

2. Homosexuals are by far the most promiscuous group of people. There lack of monogamous commitment would further undermine the institution of marriage as it should be

3. With the approval of gay marriage homosexuals will and can brainwash children about their deviant lifestyle. Homosexuals were dishonest when they said Proposition 8 had nothing to do with school curriculum.

AH_Fan #conspiracy imdb.com

Obama's "tax cuts' are really welfare checks given to millions of people who pay no income taxes. And Obama's "Civilian National Security Force" is really the Thought Police, just like Oceania had in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

After Obama is inaugurated, he'll declare martial law. Ordinary citizens, like Joe the Plumber, will be investigated for questioning the Obamassiah. Reporters will no longer be allowed to question the the Annointed One or his surrogates.

Big Brother is watching you!

shaun3701 & pondi86 #sexist imdb.com

[Why does pop culture want men to be sissies?]

shaun3701 - The pussification of men has been going on for decades, and it's time we put a stop to it.

pondi86 -
Case in Point: The new Bond film Quantum of Solace, which features a highly unrealistic (pseudo) strong, (pseudo) independent and (pseudo) intelligent bond girl. Most women know (even if they would never admit it) the strong, independent woman is an act put on and encouraged by man-hating feminists and women by design and nature are generally demure, secondary

jtstevenson81-1 #fundie imdb.com

[how does allowing gays to get married harm you, if you are straight?]

Because allowing gay people to get married would be the same as allowing pedophiles to marry children. After all, why shouldn't pedophiles be allowed to marry what they are attracted to? They can't help it, after all!

[Fool, how is a child a consenting adult?]

Your logic sucks. The point is that at some point, you have to define what is actual marriage and what is unadulterated perversion. Why can't people who are addicted to beastiality marry farm animals? The lunacy has to end at some point.

Oh and by the way, God makes it clear in the bible that homosexual behavior is wrong, and that people who encourage the behavior will be sent to hell along with them(just read the story of Sodom and Gamorrah.) So in that way it affects me very greatly. Of course, you probably don't believe in God, so this last point is lost on you.

[UT OH!! He pulled the his trump card!! The bible says it!! Come on man, not fair.]

Ok then, I'll give you another argument that has nothing to do with my belief in God:

In the United States, a little over one million people are infected with HIV. Of these people, 75% are gay/bisexual men who acquired their infections through sex with another man.

So basically, the male homosexual population is responsible for the vast majority of the HIV/AIDS problem in the United States. Thanks, but no thanks.

AH_Fan #conspiracy imdb.com

Is Obama a Puppet President?

In April, the terrorist organization Hamas endorsed Obama. Now we find out that Obama's campaign had secret meetings with Hamas prior to the election.


Much of the $650 million that was spent by Obama's campaign was donated from undisclosed sources outside the U.S. How much of that $650 million was donated by terrorist organizations like Hamas? Is Obama a puppet of Hamas?

Think about this. The Soviet Union had controlled the countries of Eastern Europe by putting their own Communist Party members into leadership positions in those countries. What better way for a terrorist organization like Hamas to control America than by using America's own democratic process to put their own puppet President, Obama, in control of the White House?

JesusChrist69 #fundie imdb.com

Should we put Atheists in concentration camps

USA was found on Judeo-Chrisitan values with Christians as the fore fathers

All these atheist liberals are destroying this country and are the reason why the USA is in the shape it is in

Do you think we need to rise up and take this country back, I think god would forgives us if we did something about the Atheists, he knows they are sent to us by satan and they are less then humans in the eyes of the lord

I believe everyone has the ability to be saved except the atheists, do you think we should do something about them

outcasts-anonymous #conspiracy imdb.com

I hope all you Obama voters learn your lesson over the next 4 years. Maybe...after nationalized healthcare leaves millions w/o any healthcare like in Britain and Canada...after millions of babies are slaughtered halfway out of their mothers' wombs...after the government steals 50% of our money and gives it to lazy homeless people in South Chicago...after we lose our right of free speech and radio stations are forced to provide liberals with "equal" time on the airwaves...after our Bill of Rights is violated by the government taking away our right to bear arms...after doctors are given the right to assist their patients in suicide...maybe then you all will realize what you've done.

It's a bad day when the United States of America elects a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency.

outcasts-anonymous #homophobia imdb.com

I'm not going to get into the whole "homosexual marriage" thing. Suffice it to say that marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman. It always has been, and the attempts by the homosexual movement to redefine it are ludicrous. If you want to be homosexual, so be it; but to expect special benefits b/c of your choice... Again, if I want to have sex with my cat, should the state give me special benefits? No. Those benefits, including the union itself, are and should be reserved for true, natural marriage between a man and a woman.

shaun3701 #fundie imdb.com

Actually I think aliens/UFOs tie in perfectly with Christianity and the Bible. In Genesis is says that angels were mating with humans, creating some kind of super race of beings. God was pissed off and destroyed the earth with the flood, but I believe it also says he banished the "supernatural beings" to another place... possibly another planet? Perhaps they're returning...

stabbyappleton #fundie imdb.com

[With regards to Zack and Miri Make a Porno]

sick. how many babies dies in the making of this film? how many abortions and day after pills were consumed? sick when you think about it. even sicker when you think how many abortions this inspires. "lets just do it and who cares abotu the consequences! i can just get a late trimester abortion and have the babys brains sucked out by a vacuum!"

Thiink about that before yo go see this!

[Later in the thread]

Yes, mr Anderson is right. It does encourage this. Movies should be banned unless they can provide good moral lessons like staying pure, being faithful, being a good christian, etc..
theres stil room for some violence. war movies can be enjoyed becasue they still teach the values of fighting for your country, etc..

Kissing_Toast #fundie imdb.com

(Re: Barack Obama) I hope somebody shoots him

I'm not trying to be mean or racist because racist is the last thing I am.
But it's for the greater good. He needs to die for this country. Otherwise he
will destroy it.

Palin for 2012

ldavis-2 #fundie imdb.com


Congratulations, America! You have just elected a vainglorious demagogue to be the 44th President of the United States!

A vainglorious demagogue whose experience you can pack into a thimble and still have room left for your thumb!

A vainglorious demagogue whose policies will bankrupt the grandchildren of the college-age voters who have pledged their blind devotion to him!

A vainglorious demagogue whose idea of leadership was to go-along-to-get-along, and vote “present” 130 times during his 15 minutes in the Illinois State Senate!

A vainglorious demagogue who has already demonstrated that he will stifle and ruin anyone who dares to ask hard question or oppose him!

A vainglorious demagogue who proved his decency, character and honor by defiling the reputation of the woman who raised him in order to defend the heinous excuse of a human being he called his “spiritual mentor”!

A vainglorious demagogue who deceived and outright lied time and time again about his past and his associations!

A vainglorious demagogue who has no respect for our values and traditions to the point where he will not allow his children to celebrate Christmas!

A vainglorious demagogue who has all but promised to trash the Constitution – the document he calls “flawed” - that he will now swear to preserve, protect and defend!

A vainglorious demagogue who will bring our troops home in defeat and disgrace, and allow his new Best Friends Forever in Iran and Syria to plunge the Middle East into bloodshed!

A vainglorious demagogue Americans will soon regret giving the keys of the kingdom to!

Enjoy your Kool-Aid, kids! You're gonna need it!

olivery2k #fundie imdb.com

*the movie A Clockwork Orange*

why your parents let you young ones watch this sinful movie i'll never know

yes it is indeed the second scariest movie ever because it glorifies rape and murder

and it says it's OK to imagine yourself beating jesus

for goodness's sake, why you young kids are watching this, i don't know. but you need to stop.

schuber-1 #fundie imdb.com

Actually I have never met a Christian who believed in evolution (I've know hundreds of Christians of various backgrounds). They believe in what the Bible says, and it says right in the first few lines that the world was created. Most religions tend to believe in a form of a higher power making the world. So I'm not sure where the line "Actually, the majority of christians accept evolution" comes from and how it can be true.

alejandrosuave #racist imdb.com

Never thought I'd see the day....
...That a PRIMATE would be running this country. The economy's tanking, half of the world hates us, and now it looks like Barack Hussein will be the Head N*igger In Charge.. We're going straight to Hell and I'm not looking forward to it.

SirJaredJammer #fundie imdb.com

What do you atheists set it at, and how did you come to your conclusion?

My view is that no matter which way you slice it you can't explain nature with nature, therefor our universe's origins falls into the realm of supernatural. Considering the information behind nature's properties and the fact that life is made up of nano-machinery and a brilliant (perhaps even optimal) genetic code, I have very few doubts the supernatural origins of the universe is of an Intelligent nature.

Therefor my probability of God's existence would be very close to 1:1.

jrigeli #fundie imdb.com

What's with futuristic movies and coed showers? I'm watching Judge Dredd and it too has a scene where men and women share locker rooms. What are the writers trying to say? In advanced societies such silly mores as seperate facilities for men and women will be abolished. A perverts dream I suppose.

Fear is BIG Business #fundie imdb.com

[From a discussion about immigration laws.]

My "ancestors" came here LEGALLY AND HAD A RIGHT TO BE HERE you ignorant hatful douche. And I proved his hateful insane "rabble" answer WRONG like yours right now.

But I just can't wait for the day when all of your "kind" are sent back to the "countrys" where YOU came from along with these so called "people". So America can thrive and NEVER BE RAPED AGAIN.

That is all.

Wenn Sie dies lesen ... dann wissen Sie, Hitler war cool.

christisking #fundie imdb.com

It says that you MAY purchase slaves, but doesn't say you should. Therefore, I don't see what's so bad about this whole thing. I would never own slaves, I think it is morally wrong and despicable. If God thinks it's okay to own slaves, so be it. I don't care because he loves me enough to send his only son to die on a cross and he is not directly forcing me to own slaves.

Dr_Henry_M_Morris (aka Kelgan) #fundie imdb.com

Barack Osama praises Bill Maher's new movie 'Religulous'!!

I'm going to be producing a movie called "Evil-ution" in response to Religulous. During the course of this film, the audience will see me travel around, interviewing various supporters of Darwin's Theory of Evil-ution, such as university professors, scientists, liberal politicians, artists, etc., and in the process, exposing their stupidity, and giving the audience some damn good laughs at all these atheists! When the shoe is on the other foot, it wouldn't seem so funny then, at least, it wouldn't seem so funny to the atheists. My people, on the other hand, would find it extremely amusing, and deeply satsifying.

I would make sure that all churches received free tickets to the movie, which the church could then sell to members of its congregation, as a way to raise funds. You see the difference between religion and evil-ution is that evil-ution is entirely fictional and was made up to control your life, to make you subservient to all those who have power. Religion, on the other hand, was arrived at through observation and research. Only Christianity has the power to free the human race from the chains of reason and logic!

I can picture it now, whenever one of those atheistic scientists said something stupid such as, "The dinosaurs became extinct several million years before humans walked on the Earth. The two species never lived together on this planet". Then all of us Christians sitting in the front row would just start laughing our asses off! We'd be rolling around in the floor, holding on to our sides, peeing in our pants, begging the projectionist to stop the film!

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