
Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[I hate God because He allowed me to suffer, even though I prayed to Him for help.]

I am glad my message to the other person helped some. I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say, however. I was trying to make the point that 'if' God wanted to torment us, or play games with us, or even make us suffer, He is God and can do whatever He wants to do. I don't for a moment believe that He is going to do any of those things, but the point I was trying to make is that He is our Creator and owes us nothing, no matter how He acts towards us. Until we understand that, we will not be able to view things from the right perspective.


You said you don't know how to forgive God. That is not the problem. You don't need to know how to forgive God, you need to learn that there is nothing, to forgive, because God has done nothing wrong. You hate Him because He has not healed you, but that is wrong. You have no right to hold that against God. If you will place your faith in Jesus Christ then God will forgive your sins and save you from an eternity of torment in hell. If not, then you will suffer and be lost. God sent His only Son to die in your place. Not because Jesus had done anything wrong, but because you and I are sinners. Yet you hate Him for not taking your sickness away. If you live to be 100 years old that will be less than a grain of sand is in a pile of all the sand on earth, compared to eternity. Do you really want to trade eternity with Christ for a little less suffering now? I sure don't.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

For example; did you know that there are petrified trees standing straight up in the layers of the Grand Cannon? That means that the tree which is doing so must have existed for millions of years, because it is standing in and through millions of years of layers of earth. Of course another possibility is that it died standing up and was buried quickly in those layers as they settled out after a great flood. Oh, but that would mean those layers are not really millions of years old. Hum...

Christianity can stand up to logical thinking. Can evolution? You have to decide for yourself.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Evolution uses time as the great equalizer. What I mean is that they claim evolution too billions of years. That makes it so slow that we can't possible expect to see any evidence in our lives. Okay, here is another logic question for you. Take a watch, any watch and carefully take every part apart and put them in a paper bag. Now you know that when you started you had a working watch. You know that all the parts are there and you know that they all fit together. Now close the bag and start shaking it. How long would it take before you would have a completely functioning watch again? All the parts are there already, you know they fit, you know they work, so how long before it randomly puts itself back together and starts working. I won't even make you wait until it randomly sets its own time correctly, just until it starts working again. How about a year? How about a hundred years? How about 4.3 billion years? Do you see my point? Random chance is not going to put all the correct parts back together yet evolution wants you to believe that is what happened and they did not even start with one (much less all) of the right pieces. The billion years are just to fool you.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Now about evolution. It goes against logic. Let me ask you a question. If you were walking down the street and you found an fully functional computer just sitting there on the side of the path, what would you believe about it? Would you believe that it just happened by random chance or that it had a creator who not only designed it but built it? Of course you would know that someone designed it and built it, because it would be impossible for it to just appear by random chance.

Now go look in the mirror. Do you realize that what you see is a trillion times more complex than the most powerful computer man has ever made? Yet evolution would have you believe it (you) were not designed or built by anyone, you just happened by random chance. Not only are they claiming that one fully functioning computer happened by random chance but two did, since they were able to recreate themselves sexually and that takes two at least.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Do you know how they judge the age of a fossil? They look at the layer of earth it is found in and then assign an age to the fossil because of the age of that layer of earth. Sounds good until you realize how they determine the age of the layer of earth. Do you know how? By what fossils are found in it!! Wow that is scientific!!

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

(part of a response to someone who says that evolution disproves the Bible)

Speaking of all the proof for evolution, you might want to read a book by a secular (meaning he is not a Christian) Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University. The book is titled Darwin's Black Box, The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe. It might surprise you to know that he does not believe in creationism, but he knows that Darwin's theory of evolution can't be true. You owe it to yourself to read his book, that is if you are truly interested in the facts. Like I said, he does not preach creationism, in fact he believes we did come from a common ancestor, but he admits it can't have happened in the way evolution tries to explain it. What is my point? My point is that evolution has too many scientific holes to be true. Does that prove the Bible? No of course not, but it sure takes the air out of your evolution proves the Bible wrong theory.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Someone says to Ralph: You can look in the fossil record and see a dog like mammal slowly develop into a dolphin like mammal, is this not proof of evolution?

Ralph's response: There are no fossil records of intermediate stages of any animal. You may have a fossil of a dog like creature and then a fossil of a dolphin, but that proves nothing other than there was a dog like creature and there was a dolphin.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Someone says to Ralph: "don't try to tell me that Atheism is the influence of Satan"

Ralph's response: "You told me not to try to tell you that Atheism is influenced by Satan. I will tell you exactly that. Let me ask you something, where do those atheist get their morals from? If there is no God, then we are just animals, why would we have morals? Why not let the powerful do what they want, no one could stop them anyway, let the weak die. Why tell the truth unless it serves your purposes? Do you see my point, what are morals?"

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Have you ever wondered how the Bible can claim that people lived to be 900 years old before the flood? With radiation, etc...that would be impossible right? There the Bible goes again making claims that can't possibly be true in the physical world. Okay, but what if there was water filtering out the radiation and making the whole earth a greenhouse? Hum, that would even explain why they find frozen animals in the artic with green vegetation in their stomachs undigested.

But what does the Bible have to say?

(Genesis 1:6-8 NIV) [6] And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." [7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. [8] God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning-the second day.

There was water above the sky and below the sky! Now the water above the sky would have had to been in space, which is of course cold, so it would have been an ice layer over the whole earth. This would have filtered out radiation and it would have caused the whole earth to be a greenhouse. Not only that but it would have made the atmospheric pressure the same as a hyperbaric chamber. So what you say? Well it would explain how people lived to be so old. You do realize that sever injuries are treated by placing people in hyperbaric chambers? Here is something else to think about. Do you know when a reptile quits growing? When it dies. So now imagine, not a 30 year old alligator but a 250 year old alligator, you can bet it would be as big as any dinosaur we can imagine. In those old movies when they want to show dinosaurs what do they do? They film the little guys but make them look big. Now imagine if those little guys grew for a couple hundred years. Hum...

But if the world was a greenhouse what happened? What would have caused the animals we have found in the poles to die so quickly that the green vegetation in their stomachs did not decay? How about a flood. In the account of the flood God says that He opened the windows of heaven. Could it be that is the ice covering the earth? If it broke and came crashing down the parts on the poles could stay cold enough to instantly freeze everything they came in contact with. The other parts would heat up as they came through the atmosphere, turning into rain and lots of it.

Now look again at your Bible. You ever wonder why God put all those begats in there? You know so and so begat so and so when he was 150 years old. Could it be proof of the story? Look at the ages people died and you will notice something amazing. Before the flood people lived to be 900+ years old, but after the flood the life span quickly declined. Hum, could it be solar radiation?

You keep believing that science disproves the Bible, but you do it at your own peril. The proof is right there but it takes a little study to see it. And yes it takes faith too. It takes faith to believe that the whole worlds population of animals all came from two of each species, but not as much faith as it does to believe they all came from a rock, water and a couple of billion years.

I have only scratched the surface. I don't have the time to go further, but if you are interested there are lots of good resources out there. I hope that you will investigate it for yourself. God created you and He loves you, but He won't force you to believe. He has however put everything before you that you need to find the truth.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

Evolution takes more blind faith to believe than the Bible ever will, yet many people blindly believe it and refuse to even look at the Bible.

Look at all the flowers on a spring day. Look at all the different kinds and colors, etc... They all randomly come from the same primordial ooze we did? Nice how evolution with no intelligent mind behind it made bees to cross pollinate the plants don't you think? Since evolution claims that only the strongest and wises of species will evolve (survival of the fittest) aren't we lucky that some managed to survive just so we more advanced species could eat them? Good thing plants are stupid and evolved into edible things too. Evolution would dictate that all plants become poisonous so that they are not eaten, but boy I'm glad most of the plants did not think of that.

I am not trying to make fun of what you believe, I am just trying to show you that logically what you believe is wrong. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim there is not intellect behind what happens and yet claim that things happened in a logical intelligent way. If evolution is true and that is why some animals evolved into poisonous animals, then why not all of them? If that had happened all life would have died!! Yet evolution would at least have proved itself.

ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[part of a response to someone who is depressed and self injuring]

Take a good hard look at what Paul is saying. He was not only depressed, but he wanted to die. He felt that life was not worth living. Now notice what he says is the reason he felt that way; so that he would learn to lean on the Lord. Now if the Apostle Paul had to learn that lesson, why would we think we don't need to?

Get rid of the sin in your life, then learn to lean on God. Forget the secular diagnosis you have been given, they are not physical and therefore they are not worth living with. Bulimia is also a sin. It is a sin because it shows the self centered nature of the person. The person who is bulimic is concerned about self instead of what God wants. Confess it and ask God to help you. When the secular world gives people these kinds of diagnosis all they are doing is calling sin a disease, which keeps people from going to the place they need to go; the foot of the cross.

ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[Part of a response to a Christian who feels like God has abandoned him]

Yes I am blunt and I know sometimes I can hurt people by being so, but you have to understand that this is not about you, it is about God. You owe Him everything and He owes you nothing, not even the next breath. Have you eaten today? If so then thank God for it. Do you have clothes? If so then thank God. Get out your Bible and start reading it. Read Paul's letters to the churches. Most all of them were written from prison cells. Have you been in prison because of Christ? If so then praise God that you were found worthy of suffering for Him.

Have your efforts brought even one soul into the kingdom? If so then praise God, the angels do every time one soul comes to know God. Even if you don't know of anyone who has come to Christ because of your efforts, the point is you have no idea how God has used you, or if someone you don't know about came to Him because of your witness. However, the kind of witness you gave in the message to me will not win souls.

God has not been defeated by Satan but it appears that you have. Ask God to forgive you for thinking that He has betrayed you. If you are not willing to do that, then at least quit calling yourself a Christian so that you don't harm souls.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

They laugh at the fact that the Bible claims that people before the flood lived to be hundreds of years old. They also laugh at the idea that there was enough water to flood the whole earth and that it then receded somewhere.

I said these are kind of related, and I believe that they are. First let me quote from Genesis:

Genesis 1:6-7 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." [7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.

So we see from this that God separated the water under the expanse (sky) from the water above the expanse (sky). Now think about what water above the sky would be like. Well it would most likely be very high in the atmosphere at the edge of space, which we know is very cold. So the water would have been an ice layer above the breathable atmosphere.

What would an ice layer like that do? It would filter out solar radiation for one. We know today that solar radiation has a lot to do with cancer and aging, both in animals and humans. So if this ice layer were to filter out some or all of this radiation, what would you expect to happen to those people and animals that lived under this filter? They would have less disease and live longer!

Secondly, an ice layer would cause a greenhouse effect on the earth, making the temperatures more moderate throughout the world. Could this explain the frozen animals in the Arctic that have been found with green vegetation in their stomachs?

Thirdly, it would put pressure on the atmosphere. What you would have is a natural barometric chamber covering the whole earth. Again, what would you expect that to do to the people and animals on the earth? All you have to do is look at what modern medicine and science use barometric chambers for today to find out the answer. If a person has a limb amputated and then reattached they are often placed in a barometric chamber and given high concentrations of oxygen to help the healing process. Now, remember the greenhouse effect the ice layer would have produced, meaning that there would have been more oxygen-producing plants on the earth. So the end result would be healthier and longer living humans.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[In response to a 14 year old girl contemplating suicide and wondering if God cares about her:]

I have a couple of tough questions for you. First, what do you think you are being saved from? I ask that because your message to me appears to be saying that you think God is saving you from having a bad day. That is not what Salvation is all about. What we are saved from when we are saved is from the sentence of death imposed on us by a Holy God whom we have sinned against. Jesus died for our sins, so that we could live with God eternally. He did not die to take away our minor struggles here in this life.

I don't mean to belittle what you are going through, but you have to get your eyes focused on the right things. If you look at this life with eyes focused on being happy, you never will be. But if you look at this life with eternity in your eyes, you will realize that this life doesn't really mean anything, it is just a wisp of smoke which is soon blown away by the wind. What is important in this life is witnessing to others so that they too can live for eternity with God instead of spending eternity in hell.

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