
Matthew Plese #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger fatima.org

Ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato came to understand that that there was something out there greater than the human person, a First Cause, that initiated everything. Thus, they knew there was a reason for existence, yet they were not able to discern Its personal identity. Jesus incarnated the First Cause into salvation history. Through Christ we know the First Cause’s Name and purpose. Catholic Philosophers such as Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas used this knowledge of the final end of man (Heaven) as they developed the tradition of Christian philosophy.

Martin Luther persuasively infected the world with his heresy of separating the interpretation of Sacred Scripture from the authority of Christ and His Church, and of divorcing the individual believer from the Body of Christ. This diabolic rupture was a catalyst for others to remove God – or any notion of a First Cause – from philosophy. Such thinking consequently became an underlying foundation of Modern Philosophy.

By understanding the consequences of the loss of proper philosophy, we can better defend the Catholic Faith. From a historical perspective, this also helps us identify the roots of our current societal collapse.
Rationalism is the natural continuation of Luther’s view of Sacred Scripture that each person can and should read and interpret the Sacred Page on his own. Yet this results in severely damaging man’s relationship to God. The relationship between God and man is no longer Father to child, but rather distant master to servant (slave). According to Rationalism, if the only communication from God is in written form (the Bible), then it is up to the reader to decide what exactly is meant.

As a result, Sacred Tradition must in turn be disregarded. This then alienates (isolates) contemporary man from those who came before him. Note, it is the devil who promotes isolation, whereas God supports the communion of saints within His Mystical Body.

Eric Bermingham #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy fatima.org

We are certainly hearing of “wars and rumors of wars” but “the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6) The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have dominated the news cycle for the past two years. The war in Ukraine was the only thing that knocked Covid-19 out of the news, which it dominated for the two years before that. One wonders where this is headed. It is most certainly a prefigurement of the reign of antichrist.

Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) gives a description of certain aspects of the reign of antichrist. Whereas the antichrist is called “the beast,” there is another beast who is also called the false prophet and may be a religious figure or an antipope. People are made to receive a mark/character on their right hand/forehead if they want to buy or sell. It sounds like a totalitarian system (Deep State/Church) putting society under a complete lockdown.
China has a social credit system that is linked to facial recognition and is operational in all the major cities of China. These are the “smart cities” of the future. This is the type of control that the World Economic Forum has in mind for the entire world. The Covid-19 lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations were just a test run.

The two biggest obstacles to global government have been the U.S.A. and the Catholic Church. But now, under Joe Biden and Pope Francis, the U.S. government and the benevolent influence of the Church are intentionally being taken down. The U.S. is being destroyed through unlimited immigration and debt, not to mention abortion, divorce, and other societal ills. The Church is being weakened by corrupt leadership and a general loss of faith, or apostasy. With no opposition from the U.S. and the Catholic Church, there seems to be no natural force standing in the way of the antichrist or his forerunner.

But nothing happens that God does not allow. Several prophecies foretell that at some point, a reforming Pope will be appointed in a miraculous way.

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