
Rep. Stuart Spitzer (R-District 4) #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Republicans voted to divert funds from an HIV screening program into abstinence education Tuesday night, during an often tense and uncomfortable debate that got too personal for some lawmakers.

Texas has the third-highest HIV infection rate in the country as well as the fifth-highest teen pregnancy rate and highest repeat teen pregnancy rate, but Republican state Rep. Stuart Spitzer, a surgeon from North Texas, said his “goal is for everybody to be abstinent until they’re married.”

“My goal is for everybody to be HIV/AIDS free,” countered state Rep. Sylvester Turner (D-Houston), who peppered Spitzer with questions about Texas’ high HIV and STI rates, and opposed Spitzer’s plan to move $3 million from an HIV and STI screening program into abstinence education.

Spitzer’s amendment—which passed largely along party lines, with support from his fellow Republicans—to the state’s $210 billion biennial budget would increase its annual abstinence education budget from around $5 million per year for the next two years, to more than $8 million for each year. The HIV/STI prevention program from which Spitzer’s amendment removes funds had an annual budget allocation of around $191 million.

During the debate, Spitzer admitted that Texas’ abstinence education program “may not be working well” in light of the state’s high teen pregnancy and STI rates, but argued that because of the HIV/STI program’s already larger budget, it could spare the funds for abstinence. Texas’ House Democrats said that more money for abstinence education would do little to improve Texans’ sexual health.

Rep. Michael Burgess #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

As the House of Representatives gears up for Tuesday’s debate on HR 1797, a bill that would outlaw virtually all abortions 20 weeks post fertilization, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) argued in favor of banning abortions even earlier in pregnancy because, he said, male fetuses that age were already, shall we say, spanking the monkey.

“Watch a sonogram of a 15-week baby, and they have movements that are purposeful,” said Burgess, a former OB/GYN. “They stroke their face. If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain?”

That observation led Burgess to say he had argued for the abortion ban to start at a much earlier stage of gestation, 15 or 16 weeks. (This is less than halfway through a pregnancy.) He appeared to liken Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, to the 1893 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that formally legalized racial segregation, and was not fully reversed until Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Dr. Joe Morecraft #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

In a recently posted You Tube sermon, the pastor of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church, Dr. Joe Morecraft says in a Biblical society, the godly must own “the fool who despises God’s wisdom” because it’s the only way to keep those with a “slave mentality” from ruining other people’s families.

Based on Proverbs 11:29, Morecraft makes a case for Biblically justified enslavement of a man who does not “trust in Christ” since slavery is the only way to “keep a fool under wraps.”

The dominionist pastor interprets the Proverb to predict that in a Christian theocracy, an unbeliever will “lose his family, his property, and his freedom,” and “his energies, talents and life will not be used as he himself pleases, but in the service of wise people who work hard to benefit the community.”

“Put him in somebody’s service where they can watch over him and make him do right even though he doesn’t want to do it.”

According to Pastor Morecraft, the consequences of being a “foolish person who is unwilling to live by the Word of God” is to “become a slave of somebody who is godly and who is wise.”

[Emphasis in original]

namvet527 #fundie #homophobia rhrealitycheck.org


I'd rather be a HOMPHOBE than a CHRISTOPHOBE. HOMOPHOBES are on the same side as JESUS aka GOD is. GOD HATES HOMOSEXUALITY too.

You HOMOSEXUAL/SODOMITES are the biggest & most INTOLERANT BIGOTED HATEFUL HYPOCRITICAL DISPICABLE people in the history of earth. If we just disagree with you about HOMOSEXUALITY/SODOMY you all come out with the most INTOLERANT BIGOTED HATEFUL HYPOCRITICAL & DISPICABLE language anyone has ever heard. GOD nor I have anything against HOMOSEXUALS just HOMOSEXUALITY.

Rep. Michele Bachmann #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

“[Public schools] are teaching children that there is separation of church and state, and I am here to tell you that is a myth. That’s not true,” Bachmann said at the group’s 2006 fundraiser in Minneapolis. “And they explain to children in the public school system what a myth that is. And that’s what I love about this ministry — We want kids to come to the truth and that’s why this ministry is so absolutely vital. We need them in every public school classroom across the state to tell young people, ‘You Can Run But You Cannot Hide.’”

GrayDuck #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

[I once knew a 27 year-old man who married a woman he hardly knew just so he could have sex.]

Why is that a problem? I think it is great that such people choose marriage rather than sex without marriage. I think society would be much better off if it was more common and if the laws against adultery and fornication were enforced.

MattithYah #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

The Molech worshipers of ancient times used to put their children for sacrifice into a red-hot statue of Molech that was heated by fire. While the children died they beat drums to drown out their cries. These women having abortions today might as well take drummers along to their abortions and at the time sing a few joyful songs. Its no wonder that Yahweh tells us in Scripture He's angry at this wicked generation.

Truth #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Contraception Type Attitude.

Contra = Against
Conception = Life

The problem is the attitude that we can prevent pregancy in the first place. You see, if the contraception doesn't work and LIFE fights its way through our defense - we have set up a firing line (called ABORTION) to cut it down or snuff it out! So, in reality, the problem is that we have become a spoiled society who can abuse sex and make damn sure there are no LIVES getting through are scientific "Fort Knox." So Contraception is the problem or (at least) the philosophy of it. After all - we have given ourselves all the power so why not use it, right?

Anonymous #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

IUD as well as the morning after pill are not rights! We live in a country of FREEDOM of Religious beliefs, Correct? I am a pharmacist and took an oath to CARE and PROTECT, not kill the unborn. I support the Nurse as caring for her patient and the right of the unborn. I did not sign up to be an ABORTIONIST when receiving my pharmacy degree, as I am sure this nurse did not as well! She can educate the patient to NFP, the NATURAL way for all of you environmentalists!!! It's uninvasive and purely natural!

Anonymous #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

[RE:Poster who has had an abortion states that she does not feel truamatized or regret her deciosin.]

Denying a Guilt is a Greater Guilt.
No one can make you feel shame, remorse, or "I am sorry" for killing your own kid, all right? Either you do or you don't. You are your soul, your aura, your Karma. Most defend that which corrupts or corrupted them. (Kinda like the lesbian that slants "male" behavior after being sexually abused by a male).
So, YOU don't have an ounce of conscience about snuffing your child's life, BUT I am hear to tell you: YOUR CHILD IS LOVED BY ME AND MILLIONS OF OTHERS MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER UNDERSTAND, ACCEPT, OR EXPERIENCE IN A LIFETIME. In spite of your cold stone non-humanitarianism, your baby is loved.
Take that to your fluffy pillow tonight. I will even name your baby for you right now, all right? It's name is Dana. All those that love Dana in spite of it's mother's estrangement, give a xxo.

Alex A-L #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

I just said it comes with natural consequences that include the presence of a human life inside one's body, and we're not obliged to provide a way out of those natural consequences once the exercising of this right begins to infringe on the very right to life of another. It's not making a moral statement to say that if a person has sex, they should be prepared to accept biological consequences, it's a scientific one.

Anonymous #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

I love MY CHILDREN--- well lovebaz--- I will just burst your bubble---they were not the fruit of your womb, therefore YOU are not their mother.They will be concious all their lives of the amputee syndrom, MISSIMG THEIR REAL MUM,this will be part of each developmental stage of the psyche, and it has tsunami effects during teen years.


Adoption is the rape of the soul, and education effective education, throughout the western world, coming from the FORGOTTEN MOTHERS OF LOSS TO ADOPTION, and the adoptees of this world, speaking with righteous authority,and validated by academic research from the worlds top psychologists in adoption.Adoption should be banished to the annals of history,like Lincoln did with slavery. Every child born into this world is a GIFT FROM GOD,and a gift to the nation born into, and a gift to the community, and A LIVING TREASURE TO THE NATURAL FAMILY, chosen of God. Psalm 139.

pro woman pro life #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

I agree that this debate won't soon disappear... people will always feel compelled to force their beliefs (which they are convinced are absolute truths) upon others.
But you're also forcing your beliefs on others by saying that they can't force their beliefs on other people...
that's your belief and you want everyone to conform to it.

Mary Anne mosack #conspiracy rhrealitycheck.org

[In response to a piece speaking out against a John McCain attack ad that sensationalized Barack Obama's position on sex education.]

It is telling that the latex-only crowd is trying to hide the real content of sex ed for 5 years olds by claiming that it is all about protecting children from pedophiles. The reason they do this is because if parents actually knew the real agenda and topics covered in the so -called "age appropriate" sex ed they would be appalled. Why didn't Mr.DiNorcia also mention that a discussion of homosexuality(he refers to this only as "a respect for diversity") and masturbation are part of the guidlines for children as young as 5? He didn't becasue he knows that parents would reject this type of liberal sexual agenda being promulgated on innocent children. So while the condoms-for-kids crowd and Obamma hide behind the "protecting kids from pedophiles" spin it is true that these curriculum guidlines from SIECUS turn out to be the real agents of pedophilia.

Truth Returns #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

[RE:"And tell me, do you honestly think that insulting people is a good way to change their minds? Or do you just come here to grind that axe of yours."]

No Axe; No Grind

Only TRUTH! It is not my job to change your mind or your heart. My job is only to voice TRUTH. Sometimes the truth is very hard to accept, so I am sorry if you feel badly after reading the truth. The one thing about the truth that I love so much is that you have to either ACCEPT or DENY because the TRUTH just is - ya know?

Try on the TRUTH for a change, and see how it works for you. No politics, no lies, no spinning... If everyone does this our world will be a better place. We have allowed lies for so long that we think its normal.

Truth Returns #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Oh, yes, they are for real...
...and they are ANGRY, SAD, TIRED, HURT, LONELY and VENGEFUL. They want to kill. It's unbelievable, but that is our society today. Legal murdering, degradation of our bodies, minds and ultimately our souls. The moral decay of civilization. Rome, baby, Rome!

I don't see how any of them can live with themselves after so much innocent blood has been spilled by their hands.

Keep fighting for the TRUTH.

Hess #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Think about this : From 1973 to 1988,
that's 15 years. Think of the number of children that
were killed those years. Now, had they been allowed to
live, they could possibly be in the work force,contributing
to society, to SS, and the taxes the Federal Gov. relies
on. Many could possibly be married and have families of
their own. Quite possibly there could be more young men
in our Military,
helping to protect this great country.

G Richter #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Humans are meant to have ONE Sexual Partner for LIFE. Period.

If you wish to circumvent this and go out on your own—then well that is why STD’s, HIV, unwanted pregnancies are here today.

The Romans and Greeks wanted to have lots of partners and experience it all. Well they don't exist today. In the Human Plan (designed by God himself), we are to be committed to one another, one man and one woman. Play with the fire and guaranteed you burn each and every time.

Anonymous #fundie rhrealitycheck.org

Amanda, it's not the patriarchy that makes women pregnant after premarital sex; it's not Republicans who make people get diseases when they swap bodily fluids. So, my dear atheist, stop complaining about conservatives and start cussing out evolution.

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