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Arthur Schaper #homophobia #fundie

Third, Sheikh sounds like his own man, even if he voted with Mayor Chen. He is not merely aligning himself with the mayor, although we know that Adelsman has as much of a targeted rancor against the mayor as anyone who opposes "Pride Month." The fixation on Mayor Chen is also disturbing, and her need to tie every "bad" vote to the mayor is unfair. Does she really think that Sheikh is a puppet of Chen?

Of course, the larger obsession that Torrance liberals have with pushing sexual perversion is disturbing. Why is there this obsession with normalizing a destructive behavior and false identities? And aren't there more pressing issues for the city to face, like ensuring that the budget and withstand the next economic downturn, or improving public safety?

Since when did "woke" ever benefit a city? Toyota, which was headquartered in Torrance, just backed out of all the Pride-Woke-DEI nonsense this week, and pledged to stay out of Pride parades. One would think that local governments would start getting the message, too.