
Arthur Schaper #homophobia #fundie aschaper1.blogspot.com

Third, Sheikh sounds like his own man, even if he voted with Mayor Chen. He is not merely aligning himself with the mayor, although we know that Adelsman has as much of a targeted rancor against the mayor as anyone who opposes "Pride Month." The fixation on Mayor Chen is also disturbing, and her need to tie every "bad" vote to the mayor is unfair. Does she really think that Sheikh is a puppet of Chen?

Of course, the larger obsession that Torrance liberals have with pushing sexual perversion is disturbing. Why is there this obsession with normalizing a destructive behavior and false identities? And aren't there more pressing issues for the city to face, like ensuring that the budget and withstand the next economic downturn, or improving public safety?

Since when did "woke" ever benefit a city? Toyota, which was headquartered in Torrance, just backed out of all the Pride-Woke-DEI nonsense this week, and pledged to stay out of Pride parades. One would think that local governments would start getting the message, too.

Arthur Schaper #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Singapore made a grave mistake when the national government repealed Section 377a.

Repeal of that moral sanction sent the false message that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal behaviors, and therefore should face no moral sanction or approbrium.

And look what has happened.

LGBT themed museums, classes, programs are becoming all too common in the city state.

When public sanction is rolled away for private perversion, private perversion becomes public pollution.

Dear Singaporeans, you should have looked to the West, and you would have seen what a foolish move it was to repeal Section 377a.

Arthur Schaper #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

What is loving about telling a segment of the population that they are "born that way" when clearly they are not?

How is it loving to lie to parents and children, teaching them that they are in bondage to feelings which are just that .. feelings.

Sentiments about sexual attraction and behavior are never the final determinant for anyone. Lets celebrate men being men, and women being women.

Let's celebrate the truth about familiy: one man and one woman.

For those who challenge these values, let's state the truth plainly:

1. Biology

2. Morality

3. Reality

As for all the mantras about equality, the whole movement has been anything but.

Churches get slammed because they do not want to celebrate a perverse, destructive set of lifestyles. Charities and small businesses are under attack from bullying LGBT special interest groups. Every citizen in the United States is finding their rights under attack, the rights enumerated in the United States Constitution.

I am tired of being silenced for reporting the truth. I will not back away from the fight for natural law, natural rights, life, family, biology, and just plain truth.

Natural Law and Natural Rights must stand firm, and everyone of us must stand for truth.

Arthur Schaper #homophobia #transphobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Mayor Trujillo got two things right. The neutral flag policy was an attack on the pride flag, because there was an appropriate flag policy in place before he and his liberal colleagues insisted on forcing other flags on the community. And yes, MassResistance is a well-organized pro-family organization.

It is really shameful that Mayor Trujillo used his position to attack mothers, fathers, immigrants, and Downey residents in general because they did not want to fly the pride flag in the city. It’s really laughable that he calls MassResistance “anti-immigrant,” because we have many immigrants in our activist organization. In fact, in some of our activist groups, we have more immigrants than native-born citizens!

Last of all, it’s obscene that Mayor Trujillo claims that the removal of the pride flag is a step backwards for the community. Have a neutral flag policy is a step forwards for unity in the community. It’s a step forward for standing for truth. The promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism is not the next step in the civil rights movement, but a corruption and a theft of the Civil rights movement. It is deeply offensive that Mayor Trujillo and others insist on stealing the honor and dignity of the Civil Rights Movement to cover up and justify their private traumas and turn sexual perversions into a public spectacle.

To quote Karen Carpenter: “We’ve only just begun.” It is wrong for the city of Downey to provide taxpayer funding for the Downey Pride Festival. Why should any city celebrate an agenda which promotes harmful behaviors which short a person’s lifespan and spread disease. Even Councilman Ortiz opposed the pride festival when he ran for office last year.

This is disgusting behavior from an elected official who is supposed to represent all residents. I think such conduct deserves a motion of censure from this body. No elected official should be allowed to attack and shame city residents, the people whom he is supposed to serve.

Aschaper1 #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

LGBT Activists Harass Torrance Mayor, Lie to Public About their Privileges/Entitlement
The LGBT hate groups are growing more brazen every day.

In Torrance, they insist on being celebrated, even though they claim that they were "born that way," and th

The way that they harassed Mayor Chen was quite disturbing.

Last year, he hosted a public forum to allow residents to hear about ongoing safety and business issues, but a number of LGBT activists insisted on harassing him because he would not approve a "pride" resolution.


The level of entitlement is quite disturbing.

LGBT activists insist on pushing this lie that they are "born that way." There is no evidence for this. And now they are crying and whining about how everyone should celebrate them, and if you don't want to go along with their coercive demands, they label you a hater, a bigot, a homophobe, etc.

This is true bullying, and it's quite ironic that one of the most abusive activists in the room, RG Wong, shamed Mayor Chen about his Asian-American heritage to justify their demands for a pride resolution.

Do these people really take themselves seriously at this point?

Also, does anyone notice the number of people who left the city council chambers while the LGBT activists were whining and complaining about a pride resolution.

The people of Torrance don't want this trash forced on them. They are tired of the woke, broke, joke of regressive leftism.

It's great to see Torrance, a Balanced City, is not interested in tipping the scale in favor of any one interest group.