various commenters #transphobia

CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
According to the article, these are the banned words :

- Gender
- Transgender
- Pregnant Person
- pregnant people
- transsexual
- non binary
- amab
- afab
- bio male
- bio female
Found this linked in the TiM sub, they are making it about erasure of transgender from "academic literature"

( crodish )
oh my god this is so fucking refreshing to see. FUCK all this noise i'm so glad it's getting removed

sighing a bit that LGBT is getting dragged down again with this shit, drop the T already

( CryingInYourInbox )
Not so fun having your language policed and erased huh

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Feel for the students who got their grades demoted for not adhering to this nonsense. A LOT were punished to even use the words like biological woman when submitting a paper about gender ideology

( sohh )
This was me! I made a post here two years ago venting and asking for guidance when faculty tried to fail me in a class during my very first semester of grad school.

It’s been so tempting over the last ~year to email the professor and former TA as the TRA house of cards has collapsed in slow motion.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Well now we can just say male and female. No "BiOLoGiCaL" disclaimer needed

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, I had to argue hard against a peer reviewer to even include the distinction of biological sex; they were pushing for the more LGBT-friendly gender. Those using biological sex in papers are generally TERFY.

( vulvapeople )
There's a post on Reddit from someone claiming to work for the CDC describing their LGBT boss (all the letters even though she's a woman married to another woman) crying over the loss of "pregnant person" and similar language. It could be apocryphal, but, if it's true, it demonstrates that this "inclusive" language wasn't just about being nice to TIPs. These are dedicated cultists.

( crodish )
That lady should go up to a transwoman and gently apologize for this injustice done to 'her' 🙄 fucking handmaidens.



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