Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is
Tough guys and strong men usually commit domestic violence, not scrawny nerdy men
Domestic violence is one of the most common crimes of professional athletes, including football players and wrestlers/fighters. I read a study that men who conform to masculine stereotypes and masculine norms/traditions are more likely to beat their intimate partner. Men who don't care about being manly are less likely to beat their intimate partner. Muscular men actually are more likely to be aggressive and more likely to be experienced in physical violence.
Chick magnets are far more misogynistic, study says
In a study of 2,703 teenagers in Spain researchers found a very strong correlation between sexism and sexual and romantic success. Sexually active teenage boys have more benevolent sexism, more hostile sexism, and more ambivalent sexism than non-sexually active teenage boys. Benevolently sexist men had their first sex at an earlier age and hostile sexist men had a lower proportion of condom use. The study also revealed that women are attracted to benevolently sexist men. The study revealed that teenage boys without sexual experience had the least amount of hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and ambivalent sexism. Boys with non-penetrative sexual experience had more of the three types of sexism, and boys with penetrative sexual experience had the most amount of the three types of sexism. I know this only focuses on teenage boys, but honestly people in their 20s these days still act like teenagers. People don't become mature nowadays until their 30s.