S'task #conspiracy #pratt the-sietch.com

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Boomers didn't create these times, though one can argue they are the "weak men" that lead to hard times, none of what the Boomers are remembered for were actually their creations, and in fact the things they ACTUALLY created have arguably been a massive boon for the world.

The internationalist institutions that have so corrupted our societies with anti-nationalism and anti-whiteness? Those were created by the GI and Silent Generations, not the Boomers. Heck, just take a look at Soros, he's not a Boomer, he's GI Generation.

The Sexual Revolution? Created by the generations BEFORE the GI Generation. Kinsey was born in 1894 for goodness sake, and literally spent his ENTIRE LIFE seeking to upend traditional social morality and finally managed to do so AS THE BOOMERS WERE COMING OF AGE. In short, the Boomers were the PRODUCT of the corruption, not the cause. "Oh they should have known better?" Do you say that about Alpha iPad kids? No, of course not, you blame their PARENTS, so why do we insist on blaming Boomers for the failures of their PARENTS?

It is the PARENTS of the Boomers who gave them a bad upbringing, it was their PARENTS who trusted institutions so much that they allowed the creation of the massive entitlement states we now have. It was their parents who were so panicked by economic hard times they bought into the idea that Government was the answer. No Boomer voted for FDR, no Boomer allowed Communist German academics to take refuge in the US.

So cut them some slack, Boomers were the first VICTIMS of this mess, not its creators.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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