Fred Reed #racist #wingnut
The Death of Math and the Fall of America’s Premier High School
Is there nothing we will not degrade, corrupt, or discard to make minorities look good? No. Silly me, even to ask. Entry to TJHSST was, until now, by a demanding test of intelligence, though we must not so describe it as that would be racist, and manifest White Privilege, even though most of the students are Asian. But now Fairfax County is going to drop the intelligence test. Why drop the test? Do you even ask? It is because not enough blacks get in.
“TJ is now 71 percent Asian, 20 percent white, 2.4 percent Hispanic, and 1.6 percent black” Oops. You can see the systemic unfairness. We are going to compete with China? Do you know how many Asians China has? But, you see, the purpose of a school is not to teach. No. It is to have the right number of blacks.
“A university professor has claimed teaching maths perpetuates “unearned” white privilege, Ms Gutierrez argues a focus on Pythagorean theorem and pi feed into the idea that math was developed by the Greeks and Europeans. “The district has proposed a new social justice-infused curriculum that would focus on “power and oppression” and “history of resistance and liberation” within the field of mathematics, with questions like, “Where does Power and Oppression show up in our math experiences?” and “How is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?”
God Almighty. What simian babbling. The faint, agonized shrilling you hear is the English language. These people write like the recently anesthetized, but never mind. Where precisely does this gushing fount of bewilderment think math was developed? Burundi? What were men such as Gauss, Galois, Cantor, Euler, Newton, Archimedes, Hardy, Hamilton, Laplace were — what? Ethiopians, no doubt. Or maybe bushmen. I cannot doubt it.