Ovendice #sexist reddit.com

The Rest Of World Has More In Common With ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE Than American Women. That's How Dysfunctional And Sociopathic They've Become After 50 Years Of Feminism

imageConsider this... which one would most of the human race probably have more in common with...

An Alien from Outer Space
*Probably has an interest in science and development
*Great intelligence/Logic
*Understanding of ethics
*Clearly defined goals
*Has an interest & compassion for all the members of its species

Or The American Female?
*Only cares about celebrity gossip
*Willfully Ignorant Of everything else
*Amoral & Psychotic
*Bizarre Values/No Direction
*Doesn't give a f*** about any one but herself/aborts her babies

There is no contest...
The Alien Wins Hands Down!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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