Why even ponder all this crap? Rape as a criminal act should be decided upon attacking the property of the father, husband or a pimp. Rape as an act? Who cares, really? Only the moronic cucks in modern Western society think rape should be punished because it violated the consent of the female. Sane societies don't revolve around any consent of the female.
Sane You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
What Mary Jane Lick Sick wishes on women: then the same happening to it ?:
Who cares, really?
You no longer have the right to think of using your 'Consent is a criminal act' BS anymore.
'GovernmentsGetGirlfriends'. 'Guatemalans'/'Guatos' as a 'symbol'. Reality proving that liberals don't agree with immigrants committing sex crimes: therefore your 'Sacred Classes' BS has less right to exist. No wonder it's a crystal meth addict: that drug's proven effects on memory.
It wouldn't have anything left to justify it's existence - least of all it's entire way of thinking - otherwise.
Okay then, how’s about you define a “sane society” for us. I already know what it’s going to boil down to - basically “a society where I (and I alone) am allowed to fuck whoever I want whenever I want and nobody has a problem with it”, ergo there are no ‘sane’ societies maybe short of some ISIS-controlled hellhole where you’d get your head chopped off in five minutes - but for the sake of at least pretending you could uphold a proper argument rather than getting completely annihilated for the 376th time let’s hear your barely-legible version. I’m sure with your complete and total not-obsession with certain users of this site, it would be trivial for you (or rather the more computer-literate inmate at your insane asylum) to get through the multiple measures we have in place to keep people like you away - there’s like four comments not showing up on the last quote from you we put up, after all.
He won’t turn up. But from what I’ve gathered, he wants a society where men hold the responsible positions, each man gets their own virgin wife for life as part of a transaction with her father (previous owner), and any single mothers who do occur are treated as sluts by definition and end up working in brothels to provide services for men who haven’t married yet or whose wives have died.
So, if you are raped, your dad is the actual victim of the crime? You are just damaged goods? Oh, you didn’t know men were raped too?
To you, sex seems to be just an economic transaction, a motor function, as mundane and automatic as brushing your teeth. The moronic cuck is you, dingbat.
Rape is a violation of the most intimate parts of our lives. It’s the worst crime of all, except perhaps murder.
SANE societies DO revolve around consent of women AND men. Insane societies don’t care about consent, but are stuck in 2000-year-old myths written by misogynistic goat-herders.
To caamib, “sane” obviously means the exact opposite of the dictionary definition.
“When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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