Lou Iacobelli #fundie #wingnut #homophobia lifesitenews.com
Today, there's no cost to teachers who push political correctness in and out of the classroom, even if the activism leads to professional misconduct. The Ontario Education Act makes clear in Section 264 that one of the duties of a teacher is "to inculcate by precept... the principles of Judeo-Christian morality and the highest regard for truth, justice, loyalty, love of country, humanity, benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, purity, temperance and all other virtues." The quote may come as a shock to many currently in the teaching profession. There is nothing in the Act about creating "inclusive and equitable" school environments. The is nothing in the Ontario Human Rights Code which trumps the Act.
Many Catholic teachers have paid a public price when, in their private lives, they have been charged with assault, impaired driving or posting critical comments on social media about colleagues. The unwritten rule is that a teacher is always a teacher even after school or on weekends.
There have been court cases where some restrictions have been put on Charter rights. There are limits to teacher freedom. Take the case of Ross v. New Brunswick School District No. 15 (1996, Supreme Court of Canada): a teacher had made racist and anti-Semitic comments outside the classroom. The high court concluded that even though there was no direct proof of harm done by the statements, the teacher's actions were deemed to have had a negative impact on the school environment. In short, the words uttered had poisoned the educational atmosphere.