You have to understand this society is ran by witches. (Kardashians for example) (in Jewish culture they do lineage by your mother while in the Bible and many other societies lineage is determined by your father) . The mother goddess , whore of Babylon spirit runs deep in this society which is modern day Babylon. In wicken culture they deem the woman higher than man. They don’t want men to be strong and they know the biggest distraction between God and man is woman/lust.
I spent my whole life in a private, Christian, fundamentalist school. For all the shortcomings of my education, I did learn valuable things. One of them? Pride is the biggest distraction between God and HUMANITY. Never mind that the Bible is not a society, but a series of manuscripts almost exclusively written by *gasp* Jews.
Okay, but seriously, religion aside, this is the dumbest thing I’ve heard today. But it’s only 5:27 on the West Coast, so I remain hopeful :)
Not only bullshit, but bullshit with poor grammar and spelling.
Further evidence that conspiracy theories are the domain of the tragically uneducated.
Wiccan, you mean. All religions considered the Earth to be a mother figure, except Abrahamic ones, which are SO patriarchal. Probably because the soil can produce life, and feed us, as mothers do with their children. Why do you hate your Mother, so much?
Finally, in any culture, men are physically stronger, the same as male animals.
@Titania #41647
Even the Greeks had Gaea, a female deity representing the Earth itself. And they weren’t exactly known for equality of the sexes. Meanwhile, Mongol and many American Indian cultures revered Mother Earth and Father Sky, each strong and nourishing, but also potentially terrible, in their own ways.
in any culture, men are physically stronger, the same as male animals
That can make you wonder - if something had gone different in human evolution so that women became stronger, would matriarchy have been the rule for human societies?
What would the world have been like today?
Would it have had…
…masculinists instead of feminists?
…female incels whining about how oppressed they are for looking ugly and how only they are considerate and empathic, even though they spew hateful slurs about men and women who do get laid?
…religious fundies preaching that ‘the natural family’ is the nuclear family, where Mom brings home the bacon and Dad is a stay-at-home househusband?
…any form of sex we know as ‘penetrative’ instead being called ‘valprehensive’?
@KZadBhat #41655
Well, the Egyptians had Geb (male) as the earth while Nut (female) was the sky… But Nut was still a revered mother-goddess, so it balances out.
That being said, Greek myth was actually more matriarchal than you’d think. Gaia was the mother goddess, the Protogenos of the earth itself, yes. But even variations of their creation myth say that Nyx (goddess of the night) was the first Protogenos, the very first living being, to have emerged from Khaos, and through parthenogenesis birthed the other Protogenoi. She was also so feared and respected even Zeus would swallow his pride and anger rather than risk angering her.
Or how about the usually-masculine Norse myths? The primordial being Ymir was said to be a hermaphrodite.
Anyway, my point being that pretty much all myths are faaaaar less misogynistic than the three Abrahamic religions.
@Malingspann #41672
Interesting stuff. Reminds me of that novel The Power by Naomi Alderman, in which women are naturally able to produce an electric shock, against men who attack them, or simply piss them off...a fascinating read.
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