Canadian Anon #crackpot #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut
I'll still never get this.
It's one thing to take hormones, keep your dick, and hopefully find a fetishist to date but the mentality in thinking anyone would ever want that axe wound is another world of insane.
This. I "transitioned" but the reality was I was forcing my bdsm goth sissy fetish on people in public because literally no one could or would stop me. Natalie Mars style hair, heavy doll face make-up, chastity cage, black denim straightjacket with belts and locks all over it, black skull print dress, etc. I thankfully looked like an attractive tranny but it was a ton of work and I knew I was never a real woman and it was just demented fetish shit. I stopped after doing it less than a year. I absolutely loved all the attention I could get and it definitely got me laid much easier than when I was presenting as male but FFS anyone who is mentally ill enough to literally think GRS is a valid option probably should be removed from the gene pool. That's going to massive amounts of trouble and ongoing medical issues for zero return. I didn't even like having to put make-up on every single day, I can't imagine anyone wanting it enough.....
It was to get what I wanted from the start. I took hormones for about a year. What I was doing is called transmaxing; sissy incels who are tired of not getting laid do it to get fetish sex all the time. It was an absolutely calculated move to advance my career and be practically immune to criticism in this progressive shit hole of a country while forcing my feminization fetish on the public. I would post pics but I don't want to dox myself even though I look almost nothing like I looked then as a man again. It only worked because of how heavy the goth makeup I wore and how body forming the corset and fashion I wore. For a tranny I'd say I was about a 7/10 when I put hours of effort daily (between workouts, shaving my entire body and makeup). I just stopped doing it when it was no longer practical for me to do it. I miss doing it but it was literally so much fucking work it wasn't worth it just for the fetish and I never believed I was a woman.