ExpiringAspirin #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy incels.is

[Blackpill] Non Chad adult straight males are now 4th class citizens

1st Class-Foids and Chads
2nd Class - Dogs ( in olden Egypt it was cats, in India its cows/rats)
3rd Class - MtF Trannies and Boys
Prebupescent boys still have status as lovers for statusmaxx /powerful Geritol Geezer Arab men such as Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat/ also for Elite Hollywood pedo bears , young Leonardo di Caprio was one of these boys.
Same are trannies/homos , pretty boy trannies become paid lover to Sugar Daddy Hyper Chad RoidMaxx Wheaties Golden Boy such as Bruce Jenner etc...

4th class- the rest of men

Status wise, Acceptance, Media Adoration , and last but not least Tax Payers $ including resources given to the Popos to solve crime to give justice to the victims, straight non chad adult men is at the bottom of the totem pole.



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