angelicsteph4ever #quack #dunning-kruger #fundie

Just to let people know about such things.
It ain't gonna spare ya the strain or flu. There's a lot of crap in those things and they have things in that crap that will change your DNA and a lot lot more. Those things are NOT good. Like i said that stupid thing called a "Flu shot/vaccine" isn't gonna spare ya from it.
Wanna know some news look in the news on "How" many people have died even when they got that "Vaccine for flu". Old and young alike those people probably had a "flu vaccine/shot". This is how the head honcho's like government, cults, "New World Order" will start to really depopulate the world... it's already begun because this world is getting darker.

Do your research and dig deep into truth on such things. Start to think and be aware/awake on the world around you and what goes on in it, so start to question yourselves on things. Just because people will say "It's good" better start questioning on that, for even in the Holy Bible sayeth.... "In the last days when men will call evil good and good evil".... The flu shots are just of one of many many many things. Just be aware and start to question things as well as do the research on your own and seek the truths out on things.

Sincerely (to all and all that i love'n'care for and even if i do not know of you),
Stephy J.



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