Pomidor Quixote #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Bullying Works: Study Shows Anger is More Effective Than Inspiration in Halftime Speeches"]

Sometimes, studies about sports end up opening up topics such as the effectiveness of bullying and mistreating sluts.

This is one of those times.

Study Finds

The coach’s halftime speech is long known to be a motivational tool in the sports world. Many sports movies, such as Hoosiers, Remember the Titans, or Friday Night Lights include a pivotal scene in which the coach makes an impassioned speech to his team, igniting a furious comeback. But what makes an effective halftime speech in real life? A new study finds that anger is actually more effective during halftime speeches than inspiration.


You don’t need a license to be a jerk, but this study certainly points in the direction of uncomfortable truths.

We know bullying works.

Fat shaming works, which is why lazy skin-bags of fat try to shut it down and get people to celebrate their fatness so the urge to get fit doesn’t burn them from the inside out.

Slut-shaming also works, which is why our social engineering overlords try so hard to normalize casual sex and degeneracy as a countermeasure for it.

Making people feel bad about something they do is more likely to result in change than making people feel good about it.

Sounds like common sense.

This is similar to what happens with women.

When interacting with females, erring on the side of negativity is always better than Respecting Women™ and treating them as equals.

This is especially true with dirty talk, which should come as no surprise if you consider the parallels between sexing women and playing a game.

When you sex a woman, you are the coach and she expects you to lead the game. You have to tell her what to do, manually set her body in the position you want it to be, move her around, provide feedback and do this negative halftime speech dirty talk thing that prompts her to perform better.

The trick, as the study says, is to use therapeutic doses of negativity to avoid an overdose that would result in the opposite of what you intended to happen.

You don’t want to crush them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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