OverBeforeItBegan #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

9/10 the only reason a woman is a prostitute is because of circumstances outside of her control, some were even forced into that line of work by gangs, and as a coping mechanism they just continue that life as if to convince themselves "its my choice"

How can you be forced by gangs to do anything in a first world country?

Johns exploit whores in the same way that the rich exploit the poor, and get them to work for cents on the dollar, while they just live off of society and never work a day in their lives

"exploit". You're the one handing over a shitton of money. How are you exploiting anyone here?

JFL how can you ask a question like this?, are you saying gangs have no power in first world countries?

I really don't understand how a gang could have power over a woman in a first world country, especially western Europe or the US. Some shithole in Asia, sure, but explain to me how going to the police wouldn't solve that issue.



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