Luis Miguel #wingnut

[From "A Lesson From Trump’s Indictment Ordeal: Always Cross the Rubicon"]

The establishment is pulling out all the stops to ensure the real-estate mogul and reality TV celebrity-turned controversial politician never makes it back to the White House. On every front the Left controls, they are weaponizing the levers of governmental power[…]
Trump cannot afford to give up now[…]Now more than ever, he has the imperative to persevere[…]If Democrats succeed in using the legal power of the state to strong-arm a political rival into submission, they will not only ruin Trump as an individual[…]but burn to the ground what little is left of this Republic’s legitimacy

But there is another important lesson in all this: When one is confronted by a monumental choice between doing the right thing but earning condemnation in the process, and appeasing the antagonistic crowd, one must always take the route of greater resistance[…]
One must always cross the Rubicon[…]
Trump has faced several moments that parallel Caesar[…]The biggest one, the one that really elicited the “crossing the Rubicon” rhetoric from the Right, was in the aftermath of the 2020 election, when many Americans felt there was overwhelming evidence of voter fraud[…]
Congress virtually holds no practical power anymore, unfortunately. Whoever controls the executive branch wields the real power. If Trump had acted in 2020, Congress could not have done anything more than kick and scream, while the courts likewise would have had no enforcement power

Such an action would have, of course, precipitated something of a national crisis. It would likely have led to states choosing sides[…]similar to the Catholic Church’s Great Schism[…]
It might have been the first real opportunity the nation would have had[…]to truly mount an offensive against the Establishment and purge the federal government of the Deep State by starting anew with a federal government made up of constitutional, America First patriots



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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