Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Are they really going to go all the way to shut down Communications to have the electrical power shut off for days? Watch the EBS on your TV when the power is off?

“Get Ready For Three Days and Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas.”
It may have been tried in my area East of NAWS China Lake, CA as on Wednesday it went down at 3:05 PM and then came back on at about 1:25 AM Thursday, for 10.5 hours it was down. This is 160 miles North of Los Angeles, a small community where NAWS is next door to watch it all.

On Wednesday this may have been due to the strong winds up to about 80 MPH since Monday and since it has happened before due to weather conditions or our earthquake in 2019.

Then it went down again on Friday at 2:55 PM till 7:55 PM this time.

Why did it go down within 10 minutes of each other as that is very peculiar, but the power was on during the local school hours, but down while many people would be at home trying to get on the internet.

Are we in one of the trial areas where they are testing it to take down the present ‘System’ of shutting down the modems and power to all computers to make it easy for them?

We have thousands of solar panels laid out in fields along with hundreds of windmills between us and Los Angeles and they didn’t help us a bit.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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