The New World Order acronym:
NWO is OWN (in reverse)
It's agenda is about Owning. -
They will OWN everything
(all your properties
including your own body and your love ones').
And they will be happy
(by 2030 and beyond) !
That will happen only if you remain in REM /
deep sleep, blind obedient to the system,
and loyal customer of their poison Vaccines
BioWeapon-Boosters, microchips/nanochips,
and a permanent resident-slave in their smart
15-minute city-cage if you are still alive.
They will OWN nothing, as in NOTHING.
And we will be Free and Happy...
If you wake up now, use your common sense,
and be intelligent-disobedient to their
scamdemic death games.
@AirWinn Oli
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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