Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

Taking the knee is an endorsement of Anglo supremacism. I’m glad my fellow Slavs aren’t falling for it.


How about gray countries? And anglo supremacism?

Of course it is. They force other countries to conform to Anglo culture. Would English ever take a knee or another symbolic gesture on the initiative of Croatia for whatever cause? No. It’s Anglo supremacism through and through.

Pff, If I was Finnish or Austrian I'd probably notice a huge drop in patriotism. They have nothing to do with Blacks, why would they bend their knees?

Imagine feeling guilty for whatever the American police does to black people, lawfully or otherwise. Why does the whole world have to participate in this mounted circus

Why would i care about BLM? I am not even in the same continent let alone country. I song understand why would any Euro country do that and definitely i don't expect shit like this from East Europe

"Oh no, a convicted felon junkie has overdosed somewhere over the ocean, I better kneel down"

What are you doing, Europe?



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