@Curious13512995 / Jeffrey Crenshaw #transphobia twitter.com

Oh, sorry, forgot the point of @GCComingOutDay was to come out. My name is Jeffrey Crenshaw. I have already been fired for believing in reality/defending women's rights: https://zerohedge.com/political/scandal-plagued-ubisoft-fires-trans-skeptic-video-game-programmer-over-hateful-comments

And I will never stop. (1/?)

I was fired by Peter Handrinos and Erin Brenchley callously for social media comments. When I asked them for more details, they refused to give them to me. My coworker and "friend"
told me
was right to fire me b/c my beliefs might make trans uncomfortable

I want everyone --
, Peter Handrinos, Erin Brenchley, Daniel -- to know that I am not going to stop fighting for good just because your bigoted company
(which allows sexual harassment -- https://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-21/ubisoft-sexual-misconduct-scandal-harassment-sexism-and-abuse) punished me.

Unsurprising that a company that swims in misogynistic harassment supports TiMs.

I will see to it that we move back to a society that believes in reality, & that every single person who capitulated to the trans cult pays dearly. What you did to me, I will see done to you tenfold

Today is just the start. When society peaks -- when it gets tired of men jacking off in women's restrooms, taking first place in women sporting events, shaming lesbians for not wanting penis -- ALL OF YOU that supported this will be pariahs. Deservedly so.

If you think I am kidding, holy hell are you going to be surprised. I spent YEARS fighting against Christianity's insistence on shaming atheists into compliance (while respecting their right to believe if they left us alone). The gender cult is no different.

The bigots that punish us for believing in reality will pay #GCComingOutDay



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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