Coffeefiend & carpetplaydohx2 #transphobia

RE: TIMs suffer far more than we cis women could ever possibly imagine

( Coffeefiend )

Sure we can't get periods which are apparently the worst thing ever even though I'd murder I friend to be able to have them.

Creepy and unhinged skinwalkers. You whiny scrotes couldn’t handle the debilitating pain of conditions like endometriosis. Fuck off.

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood. And the whole “we are more at risk for violence than anyone else” notion is such a blatant lie anyway. These scrotes are utterly insufferable, solipsistic morons.

I mean between the fact that my fertility is the luck of the draw, getting called the wrong gender, (even by my parents) and the fact that I cant even use the bathrooms I prefer because either

Oh no! The horror of getting called the “wrong gender” and “not being able to use the preferred bathroom!” Delusional males who choose to take toxic hormones and butcher their bodies have it so much worse! Here’s a medal for the first place winners of the Oppression Olympics. 😞

( carpetplaydohx2 )

Also, we have the highly exaggerated “harassment, violence, discrimination” bullshit they always spew even though women experience all of that too and have since childhood.

Exactly -- they have the fucking privilege of being able to go back into "boy mode" whenever and wherever they want and can walk safely, live safely, BE SAFE and it costs them absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, I am a woman with no "get out of woman free" card that I can use whenever I want to opt-out of oppression or "boy mode" that I can slip on and off at the drop of a hat so I can go stealth when my womanhood is a literal risk to my life or wellbeing.

That's not even counting the number of ways that I've been shortchanged since birth simply because I was born with a female reproductive system rather than a male one.

They can fuck right back off with this and go play oppression Olympics elsewhere. These spoilt white men are not oppressed.



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