Sandra Archibald #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #fundie

Gun confiscation is one of the top agenda items in finalizing the Covid tyranny rollout, and the pre-planned Sandy Hook school shooting back in 2012 was integral to softening up the country for systematic dismantling of the Second Amendment as well as furthering the control-by-fear agenda put into high gear after the 9/11 attacks.

This piece will explore my theory - as a third-generation Newtown resident, mother with children in Newtown Public Schools, and recently 'awake' Sandy Hook researcher - that the school shooting was not just a pre-planned event and therefore a hoax on its foundation, but also a mass ritual sacrifice of innocents in which most of the participating Sandy Hook parents of victims willingly offered up their own children or were assigned children to offer up in the occult massacre.

This, of course, makes the school shooting at Sandy Hook both fake and real - a recipe that is often deployed for contrived terror attacks by the criminal elite and their complicit stooges found in all facets of media, government, corporate, legal, medical and financial hegemony in this country and beyond.

Some of the children, I believe, were bred by participating parents about seven years prior to the event for the specific purpose of sacrifice at the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.

Breeding children for sacrifice is nothing new to the Luciferian elite and those under their control in the vast Illuminati structure whose tentacles even stretch down to the local level through masonic and other front organizations used for mob-like criminality and Satanic activity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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