Michele Morrow #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy rawstory.com

A new report revealed Thursday that the North Carolina Republican nominee for state superintendent had repeatedly called for former President Barack Obama to be publicly executed for treason — and she's responding by doubling down on her demands.

"According to @KFILE and @CNN@CNNPolitics, Obama's drone attacks on hundreds of innocent Muslims in Yemen are not treasonous," wrote Michele Morrow on X. "The insanity of the media demonstrates the need to teach K-12 students real history and critical thinking skills. #ncpol"

A previous message had demanded "death to all traitors," and was followed by one saying she wanted to see Obama's execution broadcast on a pay-per-view channel.

Morrow, a registered nurse and a homeschooling advocate who would oversee schools if elected, has made a number of other inflammatory claims on social media, including that President Joe Biden should be executed for telling people to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that China stationed thousands of troops in Canada to rig the 2020 election. She has also pushed QAnon conspiracy theories, including the idea that celebrities are consuming the blood of children to stay eternally youthful.

Ironically, given her reference to "innocent Muslims" in her call for Obama to be executed, Morrow has also promoted Islamophobic hate, demanding that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) "head back to Somalia" and suggesting Muslims should be banned from holding elected office in the United States.



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