butchplease , OwnLyingEyes & notyourfetish #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Detrans woman says she was irresponsibly allowed to have a mastectomy at age 16. Then a TIM called "f terfs" butts in to whine "...B-but I didn't consent to puberty!!"


(butchplease )

Female body surgically and medically abused; male body saved on account of its maleness. That's privilege in action.

( OwnLyingEyes )
FFS. This sounds like repurposed incel whining that they didn't consent to not having sex, trans addition.

Your body doing something it does all on its very own is not the same thing as someone doing something to your body.

( notyourfetish )
These people are completely and totally self-absorbed. They don't care about anyone else at all.

A woman had her body irreversibly mutilated, ffs.



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