Various Commenters #transphobia

Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner reacts to PenisNews accusing him of transphobia by saying "at least I have the balls to defend women in sport"

( notyourfetish )

. Sure, I know it's important that he speaks out, a way for normies to get closer to peaking

Nah. Women here will lecture you about the importance of allying with every walking dumpster fire on the planet, but I'm right there with you.

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Imagine if the Grand Wizard of the KKK decided to support gay people. Should my black ass shake his hand and call him an ally because I'm also gay?

( TiredWoman )

Bruce is a gross homphobe who jacks off in his daughter's underwear. I dont need that fucker to speak for me.

Exactly. I am willing to agree to disagree on some things but that is just flat out degeneracy and it's sickening how comfortable he felt sharing it with the world. I'm not going to celebrate a homophobic and delusional creep.

( XX_Power )
I have said before no trans who uses wrong sex pronouns and wrong sex spaces is any kind of ally to me. Ever. I'll make one exception for TIMs who call themselves men, he and only use male spaces. I have encountered exactly one of those. They are rarer than detransitioners.

( Amareldys )
No, but I bet a lot of people would be like, "Even the Grand Wizard supports gay people! You don't want to be even crazier than the Grand Wizard do you?"

( vulvapeople )
What's incredible is that his word isn't enough to placate female TRAs. They think he doesn't have any business weighing in because, since he was such an incredible athlete, he assumes all TIMs have the same advantage. These women are so deluded, they think TIMs' genderfeels somehow give them female physiology.



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