Patty Hogan #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #enbyphobia

Very similar situation with our daughter! The devil was cheering during the pandemic when vulnerable people were isolated with the wrong people. God was kicked out and loving families were pushed away. We foolishly thought our daughter was more grounded in her faith and would be a beacon for others. Instead she was sucked into a Marxist ideology and before we knew it proclaimed herself “neither a woman nor a man”. We were chastised for removing our masks, not getting our booster shots, and using the wrong pronouns. I was blatantly told, “I’m trying to unlearn everything I’ve been taught.” She’s now isolated herself in a “queer collective community” in Brooklyn and refused to give us her address, stating she was “afraid” because we (her parents) are “transphobes” and “homophobes”. We have always supported her in all of her many endeavors while growing up and never displayed bigotry of any kind so I’m calling it as I see it: she was brainwashed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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