@HS #97427
Concerning the folks who were barking for this kid’s head; Talk about psycho! They’re angry over AN EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD!
Even if these cockamamie “blasphemy laws” were “legit” (and they are not, though they exist on the books while being stupid), the fact that so many were so full of RAAAAGGGGEEEEE! and SCREAMING FOR BLLLOOOOOD!, rather than consider the dopey kid’s age or consider a more humane way to address the boy’s indiscretion, shows that the angry bunch are more disordered than the average human.
Man! over-reacting to everything! I get why people might be offended by the urine-based vandalism of a religious institution… but responding like violent barbarians against A CHILD rather can consider his age or why he felt he had to whiz away like an idiot makes one look worse than being an alleged “pee-pee vandal”.
A scolding, a fine, community service, have the kid clean the mess, etc. THAT’S HOW YOU SHOULD REACT!
Instead you only act like maniacs and prove the kid’s point (If his act was a deliberate protest / anti-Muslim hate crime).
I can understand why some very devout would be upset when someone insults their faith but they totally lose me when they over-react to the point of killing people. Same happened with the whole “Mohammed cartoons” and “Charlie Hebdo” mess.
Muslims and Hindus need to learn to get along and Hindus need to consider that Allah is just another face of ParaBrahman, as all Deities on Earth are. Likewise, Muslims should consider that ParaBrahman is also one singular Divine Being and that al those “Deities” are just different aspects. Similar concerning Jews & Muslims vs. Christians over the Trinity thing.
One vs. Many or One vs. Three… Either way the Three & Many are still One!
Realizing this, I feel all faiths and no faiths are true. We need a Universalist / Interfaith approach.
From now on, I’m just calling myself a Universalist NeoPagan. I’m forging my own path that’s sympathetic to all faiths while applying the “Demiurge Principle” to unsavory teachings and precepts.
Religious exclusivism is the bane of humanity and it only persists because authorities want to control people. Spiritual faith should enrich not destroy.
All Gods are One God, all Goddesses are One Goddess… and together they are One Deity!
Centuries of witch-hunts and holy wars… pogroms… fundies… Puritans… DAESH & Taliban… people angry over Hindu pee-pee boy… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! PURITANS, FRUMMERS, WAHABBIS, SAFFRONS, HINDUTVA, ETC. FUCK OFF!