Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

The Discontinuity Dilemma… is that problem that Humanity faces currently. It is shaped as follows; there are approximately 3 billion humans who have no form of energy to cook food. They die early as a result, and the planet’s forests are denuded. There are 2 billion people without access to clean water. They die early as a result.
All ‘green energy’ is a net energy loss as it requires diesel engines to create and sustain it.

BUT ALL WEALTH ON EARTH is tied to diesel use. Petroleum is the second most abundant fluid that the planet creates. Petroleum is infinitely created by processes in the Earth, BUT by creation of artificial scarcity, we have fashioned a system in which ALL WEALTH on earth is bound to petroleum based ‘assets’.

AND this system is killing Humanity. This system allows the dominance of the Elohim worship cult and their evil perversions. Their tool, the central banking system, enslaves Humanity due to the scarcity of energy.
The Discontinuity Dilemma arises as Humanity is now faced with the arrival of UFOs, powered by ‘free energy systems’, labeled for convenience as ZPT (zero point technology). That these UFOs are here due to our bad behavior (nuke weapons disrupt galactic wide communications and navigation systems) is again, due to a distortion caused by the need for those people who claim to own assets to do everything in their power to protect that claim.
The Discontinuity Dilemma comes down to this.

If we free Humanity from energy scarcity, thus enabling a fantastic growth period where all individuals have opportunity for wealth, we destroy the existing power structure to its core.
ZPT is arriving in these UFOs. ZPT is here, now. ZPT will disrupt the human social order. Humanity needs the social order to be disrupted at this very deep level.

The existing power structure can not stop ZPT from entering into Humanity, it can only delay and cause more suffering in so doing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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