Boskov01 #pratt

I still think the whole "Queers for pallystein" bunch are peak masochism. I mean they're advocating for a group that would slaughter the lot of them without a second thought or a hint of remorse. That's not even D-u-m dumb or s-t-o-o-p-i-d stupid. That's just plain suicidal! Is their logic that "if we advocate for pallystein they'll be more progressive towards us?" because that'll never happen! EVERY muslim majority nation outlaws rainbow lifestyles, some of them on penalty of death.

I really hope some of this bunch are stupid enough to actually take our advice and travel to a muslim majority country to try and advocate for their lifestyle and then watch their shocked pikachu faces as they get hurled off of a rooftop to the cheering crowds of bag heads below.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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