Dan Corner #fundie #conspiracy evangelicaloutreach.org

Do NOT receive ANY KIND OF MARK on your body, even invisible to the naked eye,
that is needed for any reason especially related to TRACKING as for a digital certificate,
immunity passport, etc. The Mark of the Beast does NOT have to be a RFID chip. In fact, the
Quantum Dot Tattoo, delivered with the microneedle Covid vaccine, is much more likely to be it.
mark of the beast


In June 2020, there is especially ONE preeminent individual, who especially
seems to be the Antichrist. The dictator is also identified by the 666 trademark around him
and his name -- BILL GATES III, the CORONA virus and the Microsoft patent number of ID2020.


Though this seems unreal in September 2020, it is very real and is their open plan for the world to see. This is not a conspiracy theory! This Covid-19 Microneedle Vaccine delivers:
a mark to the body using LUCIFERase and
hydrogel biosensors that will change one's DNA
This covid-19 vaccine is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT Vaccine - NOT like the ones in the past that cured Polio, Lockjaw, etc. The military is even involved in this vaccine through DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). That should set off LOUD alarm bells about this vaccine. It will CHANGE one's human biology. The hydrogel biosensors will become one with your human tissue and change a person into a hybrid.
The microneedle vaccine looks like a harmless band-aid with microneedles that will not hurt when applied and the average person can administer it to himself, but the consequences are very adverse. It is being presented for safety - to help detect and protect from future pandemics. Think about this: how could covid-19 really be a pandemic with a survival rate of over 99%?

VERY IMPORTANT: The Covid-19 gene-altering vaccine might be coming like a BAND-AID! If you receive something like this in the mail with a directive from the "Health" Authorities or any other government agency or anyone else, DO NOT PUT IT ON YOURSELF.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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