Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #ableist #pratt
[From “Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism”]
I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available
The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data
The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated
I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way[…]
The Hooker paper is published in the scientific peer-reviewed literature and is simply an analysis of the data that the CDC officials told CDC scientist William Thompson to destroy[…]
This is why Coleen Boyle ordered Thompson to destroy the subgroup data showing the high OR value: because they couldn’t make the signal go away so they made the data go away[…]
The CDC did an internal investigation and talked to the people in the room where the incident happened. Four of them said it didn’t happen and that Thompson fabricated the whole story. The CDC internal investigation determined they were right because it was 4 against 1[…]
Pediatrician “L” (she didn’t want her named used until after she goes through her records EMR records manually to confirm her estimates) estimates around 180 kids in her practice had rapid onset autism. Of those, she believes the majority happened within 2 week after a vaccination visit[…]
There is not a single study in the medical literature that looked at kids with rapid onset autism and plotted the date of the vaccine that was most proximate to the event, whether it was before or after. Why is that? Because it would find a huge signal. That’s why the studies never do it