Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
America First has to be the GOP agenda in '23 or we will lose America.

America First means:

Immigration Moratorium
Foreign Aid Moratorium
Secure Our Elections
Ban Abortion Nationwide
Put Christ back in schools
Eliminate Critical Race Theory
Dismantle the Deep State

MAGA. 🇺🇲

White Wellbeing has to come first. You refuse to do so, you refuse to even say "antiwhitism."

@DrPaulGosar great list. I'd make just one adjustment: Christ back in our lives, in our families. That takes care of practically everything else you've listed including schools.

@Mazakry @DrPaulGosar You’re right; you cannot outsource your faith.

@Mazakry @DrPaulGosar Yup. That should've been #1 on the list.

End the FED
Militarize the border
End of birthright citizenship
No more support for our “gReAtEsT aLlY”
End the FBI
End affirmative action
Mass deportations
Try bIden and his scumbag bagel junta for treason
Release the Jan sixers
Rescind all of bidens legislations
A new freedom bill of rights

@DrPaulGosar Stop the War Against White Folks

@DrPaulGosar don't forget mass deportation

Unless or until we recognize and acknowledge the deep state as the Jews, nothing will change.

@WhitePeopleGab Will you Nazis quit with the Jew hate for one fricken second?

@BJN1962 Calling out the Jews for having disproportionate control has nothing to do with hate. We only want to live in peace and determine our own future. They have occupied all positions of power and influence in western nations. Government, media, education, medicine, business, banking, finances, etc. Since they control the nation from the inside they push homosexuality, transgenderism, anti-white ideology, pornography addiction, hook-up culture, drug addiction. We aren’t calling them out for no reason. I implore you to look into our claims before you dispute them without cause.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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