Drogin1 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(Image: scene from the film of 1984 with the imagine of the Hannibal Lecter looking party official with the LGBTQ flag over his face and Winsten being tortured
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: How many genders are there winsten?
Winsten: two
LGBTQ flaged covered Party Official: If the party says there is not 2 but 70 genders how many are there?
Winsten: Still two you asswipe)

A parody of the book and film George Orwells 1984 I suggest you read 1984 as well as brave new world, Both very good warnings for mankind.

Anyways hope you enjoy this poke at sjwism and the hate group known as the LGBTQ



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