The people here who believe in evolution get it wrong and errect a strawman when it comes to the 747 analogy. No serious creationist thinks that 747s give birth to baby 747s, and we realize that some modification happens with each new generation." "Why don't nonliving things evolve if the universe was formed by evolution? The very fact that Helium is immutable, and never evolves into say carbon is direct proof of divine creation and negates a universe created by a mindless process like evolution." "Why do evolutionists only quote athiests, like the people at Talkorigins? This would prove that their bias is spiritual and not scientific." "The creation model predicts a static universe, unchanging from its orignal perfect state. Look at the stars. Exactly the same place they were thousands of years ago when we first started looking at the sky." "If evolution were true, we'd see stars changing, as per cosmological evolution. But the sky looks the same always, regardless of weather or not your a professional astronomer or a layman. Thus again we see a perfect creation instead of evolution." "Why don't we see transitional forms being crated today?" "The second law of thermodynamics. Evolution has never fully recovered from the challenge of entropy." "Finally, with evolution you would expect to see society and civilization developing slowly over time. Since world history is only about 5000 years old, and since every ancient culture has a flood story similar to the Genesis account, and since early civilizations are very advanced we can conclude that a literal interpretation of Geneisis is correct.