andy schlafly

Andy Schlafly #fundie

The spectacular "blood moon" visible early Wednesday morning is not something atheists can explain, but Joel 2:31 in the Bible talks about the extraordinary phenomenon. What, "educated" atheists don't even know that there is a Book of Joel in the Bible??

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Tebow has been repeatedly excluded by the NFL despite playing far better than what is needed to make a team. The most plausible explanation for this is the increasingly pro-homosexual, and thus anti-Christian bias of the league in its attempts to appease the liberal media.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Pushy feminist Megyn Kelly destroys the final debate by insisting on being the (biased) moderator, and Donald Trump shows guts in declining to participate in the sham. [1] Real journalism puts the public first, but instead Fox News Channel caves into feminism

Andy Schlafly #fundie

The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics is that the underlying reality is in random fluctuation, or chaos, until there is intelligent observation of it. This is precisely what Luke 4:6 reveals when it quotes the devil, which is the word for chaos, in saying that he has dominion over this world.

Andy Schlafly #fundie #dunning-kruger

Matthew 16:19

King James Version:
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Proposed Conservative Translation:
"And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you make binding on earth will be binding in heaven, and whatever you set loose on earth will be set loose in heaven."

Does this foretell the effect of the observer on eliminating uncertainty in quantum mechanics, which was not discovered until 2000 years later? Notice that the Greek literally says that whatever is bound on earth will have been bound in heaven, which is precisely the same unusual quasi-causation effect that an observer has in quantum mechanics.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

["What is so wrong with forgiveness?"]

It suggests (in the scenes) forgiveness without repentance. It opens the door and promotes sin. Opens the door to atheism—waters down hell, denies hell, opens the door to the growth of atheism—Jesus talked more about hell than heaven— .

Forgiving adulteress woman — The basic error is it teaches people can do what they want and they will be forgiven even if they don’t repent. (The forgiveness scene of the adulterous) is historical nonsense. They didn’t stone women. They strangled them. Liberals love it because they use it to argue against capital punishment.


We respect the original intent (of Bible authors). We are pealing away the political bias. We are purifying the Bible.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[re: Overrated Sports Stars]

Peyton Manning — a washed-up player who won only one NFL championship, the liberal media treated him like the Second Coming of Christ in order to oust conservative Tim Tebow from his leadership position in the swing state of Colorado prior to the Presidential Election 2012.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Several parables in the Bible foreshadow the insight of quantum entanglement about paired photons having opposite spin, by contrasting two men in their relationship with God. The Prodigal Son contrasts two brothers, two churchgoers are contrasted in Luke 18:9–14, and two brothers are further contrasted in Luke 21:28-31.


Andy Schlafly #fundie

In addition, recognition of infinity — such as infinite time or infinite strength — is helpful on a personal level in dealing with adversity. Jesus emphasized the concept of infinity often in his miracles and parables. He rejected the mistaken view of the ancient Greeks that infinity is non-existent and unintelligible.

Andy Schlafly, Ken DeMyer, Karajou, and others #fundie

[From "Mystery: Why do non-conservatives exist?"]

Statistical Analysis


-20%: did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider

-10%: genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies

-10%: refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image

-10%: believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.

-10%: fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background

-10%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior

-10%: feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers and university professors, and refuse to rise above self-interest

-10%: harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity

-5%: like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas

-5%: are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.

What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?

What triggers reconsideration of liberal beliefs? Here are some estimates:

-25%: raising or teaching children, and realizing how destructive liberal values are to many of them

-15%: a religious conversion followed by taking the Bible to heart

-10%: a loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc.

-10%: a new friendship with someone who is conservative, and realizing how much good flows from the conservative values[1]

-10%: simply by maturing and seeing liberalism's impact around them, and realizing what they were taught as youth was wrong

-5%: a desire to learn the truth, and a dislike for those who mislead

-5%: a genuine divine experience that can not be explained.

-5%: using conservative values to overcome an addiction, and then realizing the benefits of conservative values in many other ways

-5%: taking a truthful course in economics, or learning it in the workforce[2]

-10%: other.

Cultural indoctrination

Brainwashing and deceit:

-They pride themselves on doing well in school or reading the newspaper, can't accept that what they were taught was incorrect or biased.

-Dangerous professors who impose their opinions upon vulnerable youth.

-Television programs posing as comedies, such as South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons, which inject liberal beliefs and mock conservative values

-Exposed to incorrect liberal ideas throughout education. Standard American kindergartens up to the fourth grade. Wastes the potential of most children—does not expose them to foreign languages and other learning tasks their minds are obviously and mysteriously suited for. All helping to make them think they need liberal man-made structures that in fact limit their potential in a self-defeating sort of cycle.

-Indoctrination by liberal churches which have a disproportionate focus on biblical passages that appear to support liberal positions, eg. the adulteress story, the disciples holding everything in common, etc.

-A blind obsession to be famous, act and imitate the ways of their famous idols, to absorb their ideals as their own.

-Failure to realize that modern science and modern wealth are the result of historical processes set into motion by God-fearing Christian Conservatives like Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and James Maxwell. (When the obvious importance of Christianity to these scientific figures' everyday lives comes up in an academic situation, dangerous professors—liberal historians and liberal scientists—have been known to label it as "some mental disorder".)

-Elementary through high school textbooks having appalling and reprehensible omissions on the basic facts of American life (religion, marriage, politics, and business)[3]

-For decades Universities have discriminated against hiring conservatives, especially social conservatives and religious believers.[4] This has resulted in most college graduates being exposed to liberals prejudiced against conservatives and conservative thought. These graduates become the teachers and other professionals who are unwitting soldiers in liberalism's battle against a Christian Reformed, Roman-Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox, obedient-to-God reality.

No exposure:

-Current fashions in American professional behavior make expressions of Christian faith awkward in the workaday world.

-Increasing zone of publicly funded anti-religious fanaticism (e.g., no school-sponsored prayer)

-Spectacle of entertainment industry (e.g., movies and T.V.) cuts into traditionally popular Christian church social activities

-Most universities and hospitals have forgotten or have been forced to deny (to get various grants and even retirement benefits for their professors) their religious roots. Catholic affiliated institutions remain one of the few exceptions (few or possibly no other body of Christians can make legitimate claims of offering modern Pastoral care as the Roman Catholic church)

Peer Pressure:

-They have liberal friends, and want their approval or acceptance.

-They live in a predominantly liberal state or community and fear rejection from said community.

Systemic bias:

-Some people are inherently irrational, and are thus driven to liberal ideology.

-Their job and salary, such as working for public schools, depends on keeping conservatives out of power.

-Media bias acts to caricature conservatism, making it seem unpalatable, conditioning people to reject its teachings.

-Schools reward politically correct, liberal answers on tests.

-Negative focusing by the media highlights personal flaws of conservatives, driving people to choose to identify with liberals rather than be categorized with those traits.

Liberal characteristics

Poor abstract thinking:

-They have trouble understanding some of the slightly abstract concepts in conservatism, such as "more guns, less crime," and "less taxes, more revenue."

-They are more comfortable discussing simple issues like race and poverty than complex issues like globalism.

-Intellectual myopia - failure to heed the long-term consequences of ideological positions that seem beneficial in the short term.

-Stereotyping: They knew a conservative whom they disliked for some reason, and tar all others with the same brush.

-Ignorance: politics isn't a priority for some people. Without any wish to learn to think for themselves, some liberals don't bother to think through what's right, and just go with what's "cool."


-They made up their mind before hearing conservative principles, and will not reconsider their views.

-They have something criticized by conservatives in their personal background, and feel compelled to defend it rather than let it go.

-Slavish adherence to the ideals of liberal parents


-Non-conservatives demonstrate just how prone mankind is to arrogance.

-An admiration for historical figures whom liberals claim were liberals.

-A desire for large government inculcated by personal weakness and reluctance to take personal responsibility.

-Impressionable individuals buying into Bush derangement syndrome, and reacting with emotion rather than reason.

-Reliance on charisma: Charismatic leaders trading on image, rather than experience, can dupe the unsuspecting.

Self-destructive or contrarian behavior:

-Some choose to do what is irrational.
-Use of mind-altering drugs, which encourages one to become a liberal to reconcile the cognitive dissonance, or dulls mental acuity resulting in mindless conformity.

-Sexual experimentation to make up for lack of self-esteem, often with multiple partners, with partners of the same gender, or in public places

-Unthinking rebellion against conservative parents.

-Determined to prove their "independence of mind" by denying authority

James A. Wilson #fundie

Conserva"pedia is a liberal wiki founded by RINO and Papist Andrew "Andy" Schlafly. Schlafly founded the wiki as a response to what he saw as liberal bias in Wikipedia, but has had no problem with liberal biases of his own.

"Conserva"pedia is known for removing true conservatives from their site if they espouse views that are consistent with the wishy-washy RINO views of Schlafly. The site promotes neocon nonsense, and they believe in further expanding the bloated military budget. They, therefore promote the liberal homosexual agenda through their ringing endorsements for adulterer Donald Trump despite Trump having paid off a porn star regarding an affair they had.

"Conserva"pedia also promotes false religions, such as the Roman Catholic "Church", Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Judaism. They are also soft on Islam and are apologists for the liberal former "president" George W. Bush and soft on Barry Soetoro of Kenya.

While claiming to believe Jesus Christ is Lord, they believe in the fake Jesus the papists and "papist-lite" Protestants believe, i.e. the long haired hippie depiction of Jesus.

Andrew Schlafly #crackpot

[Submitter’s note: yes, you’re reading this right- Andy and a cake metaphor vs. the Theory of Relativity]

The problem is that '''E=m2 does not meaning anythimg [sic] that makes sense.


Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.

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