various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

( drinkwater )
Because it's working. The end goal is pushing back against the progress the women's rights movement has made. And it's worked so well it's as if it was the plan all along.

( pennygadget )
Its not a coincidence that genderwoo exploded just as "metoo" was picking up steam and we almost got a female president. Things were finally getting better for women. And genderwoo was the perfect way to halt all that progress and suck the last vestiges of real feminism out of the left

( pennygadget )
My tinfoil hat theory is that the gender clinics and the fertility/surrogacy clinics are in cahoots. When young people render themselves sterile and/or unfit for pregnancy via radical hormone regimens, they'll need assisted reproductive technology if they want to have families in the future. So the IVF clinics will swoop in and offer to freeze their sperm or eggs (which costs a monthly fee) for future use. And then, if that's not an option, they can seek out egg/sperm donors and surrogates (which is an even more expensive service)!

( Novemberinthechair )
WEF. More money for big pharma. The destruction of western culture. Depopulation....sterilized kids can't reproduce. Greenies like that, since they think climate change should be reduced to the time before industrialization...which is near to impossible while humans walk the Earth. Killing women's rights.

Take your pick.

( freeradicalwoman )
My conspiracy theory-obsessed housemate insists that the satanic elite want to create a class of sex slaves that look like prepubescent children. Turns out he is right and that wasn't as koo koo as it sounded. He believes that most celebrities are caught up in some evil sex trafficking system and the super-rich & politicians are all deviant perverts who use sex slaves until they discard them and throw them away. Supposedly Anthony Bourdain witnessed a US congressman in such an act while in drag, and was murdered in Paris rather than committed suicide. All of that used to sound unbelievable. The fact that at least half of that is true is extremely alarming.



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