The Worldwide People’s Revolution! #crackpot #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy

This is the Shortest Book by our Selected King of The Worldwide People’s Revolution, which Describes it in the Least Number of Inspired Words Possible, which makes Good Sense to the Readers, even if they are only 12 Years Old; and all of those Intelligent Children will be First in Line for this Wonderful Revolution: beCause it is their Future that is being Addressed by our Selected King, who does not Withhold any Hard Articulated Punches, you might say, which are Focused on the Head and Guts of Uncle Sam, and Particularly on the Scumbags in the Swamp in the District of Chief Criminals, in Washington, which is Full of Strange Creatures, including the Trumpeter, himself, who is the Strangest of all, who actually Believes that we Americans Buy into his Line of BS about making America Great by being Bullies, Liars, Capitalist Hogs, International Dictators, and Baby Abusers. Nevertheless, he and the other Reprobates have Managed to Accomplish one very Great Thing, which is to Inspire this Wonderful Book, which is Worth far more than 10,000 of their Worthless Political Speeches!<...> Yes, you should also use this Inspired Book to Challenge anyone who Disagrees with you, who will be Overwhelmed by it, even as we at have been Dumbfounded by it, for which Reason we Offer a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to anyone who can Prove, by Means of Reason and Logic, that our Selected King’s “Guaranteed Solutions” are WRong, or Unworkable! Therefore, if you Happen to run into any Spiritual COWARDS, who are not Willing to Face that Challenge, just Pray for them, and go on about your Business: beCause they are Obviously Mentally Immature, who will Hopefully Grow Up, along with the Trumpeter, who Needs his Fat Ass Whipped with the Board of Education, as Mark Twain might say, who had a Special Way with Words, which are only Matched by our Selected King, who is Truly the “King of the Birds,” and the Greatest Philosopher ever Born, if you will Permit us to Brag about him.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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