various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @MorpheusMAGA )

spoilerLeftism is a religion of self-loathing.
It teaches white people to hate their
race, boys to hate their sex, women
to hate their femininity, Americans to
hate their country, westerners to hate
their history. What a contemptible,
toxic thing it is.

( @joeguererra )
@MorpheusMAGA matt walsh defends the very jews who created "leftism". He is a liar and a hypocrite

( @KingCracker1488 )
Left = Jews

( @TheBasedGoy )
@MorpheusMAGA "Leftism" is just Judism. The Jews own the JEWdicial system.

( @Whtwtr )
@TheBasedGoy @MorpheusMAGA The left is communist and the right is Zionist. The jews created both. That is why they say, they don’t care who gets in office. They own them both.

( @Goldteethandgramssukka )
@MorpheusMAGA is there a certain group that loves promoting that shit that control the right and the left…….. you work for them!!! It’s what they do🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ But ya it’s only ze left 😂😂😂 nothing do do with ze jewz

( @itsonlyinyourmind )
@MorpheusMAGA stupid Matt.
Who created leftism?
Who teaches Whites to hate their race?
Who taught boys to hate their sex?
Who teaches women to hate their femininity?
Who teaches americans to hate their country and westerners to hate their history?

The answer to every question is your jew masters Matt. You stupid fucking jew paid cuck.

Jews ARE the left.
Jews designed the left.
jews created CRT and the LGBT (whatever) degeneracy.

fucking controlled op grifting faggot pretending to be on our side.
Get fucked Matt.

I bet his children don't even like him. He is quite hateable

( @Gravewalkers )
@MorpheusMAGA Leftism sure sounds 100% IDENTICAL to Moloch Judaism. Strange that LEFTISM and jew mean 100% identical the same things.

( @Blastin )
@MorpheusMAGA It's NOT Leftism. It's Jewish Communism period!



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