various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist

( @Nature_and_Race )
There are some old guys on Gab right now that are so desperate to sleep with young Asian women that they're willing to support those young Asian women when they stir up infighting between pro-Whites.

And then those desperate old guys actually carryout attacks on their fellow pro-White brothers and sisters, in defense of these non-white Asians who are stirring up fighting between White people.

It's times like this that I'm sincerely glad the pro-White community doesn't have any real power or influence. Our movement would be completely doomed if it was more recognized by the outside world right now.

( @PrincessKrav )
@Nature_and_Race its infuriating. It truly is. I was shocked the first time I saw it on Gab, older guys saying all western White women are awful and that if White guys want good "obedient" (HAH) wives, they need to look to the Asian countries. BULL. Dont call yourself pro-White and say that, please.

( @NordicWolf )
@PrincessKrav @Nature_and_Race
I'm pretty sure Asian women don't even have the capacity to love.
Referring mainly to Chinese. Japanese and Korean seem quite different but Chinese are mixed of many of the original east Asian sub clads and not actually pure in their own race.
Seldom does good ever come of race mixing, even among similar races.

( @jh182244 )
@Nature_and_Race my son calls asian women, fish face.

( @ToyotaZZchad )
@jh182244 @Nature_and_Race based lmao. Now you just got to teach him to throw fish at Asian women.

( @234jjj )
@Nature_and_Race I will never be glad we aren't a White run country. Regardless of our differences/disagreements. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

( @kungpowkitty )
@Nature_and_Race muh passport bros.
Filthy miscegenation

( @GSauce111 )
@Nature_and_Race I agree with you to an extent. I would always choose a White woman over anything…..BUT, when 90% of the White dating pool is completely unobtainable, demoralized, etc, I can’t really blame some older dude going after an Asian who treats him well. I’d rather see him be happy with his life than be bitter, angry and suicidal because all of the White women he comes into contact with are brainwashed, entitled, narcissistic c*nts. 🤷‍♂️



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