[Based] Abrahamic religions can just turn things back, when real solution is progress
Those can be usefull in bringing back patriarchy. But under patriarchy femoid is same filthy stupid immoral animal, just forced to act in moral ways. Solution is to go forwards, to progress, and create superior girls, who's morality will come from inside, from their good nature. That requires to take role of gods, and become creators, by improving existing females, or creating new ones, with help of genetical engineering or cybernetics. Abrahamic gods not allow to improve their lame creations, not allow to be creators at all, so for sake of bright future abrahamic religions better to be wiped out , or become just small insignificant sects
image(“Every Dollar Given to the... Church
…Is A Dollar Not Spent Genetically Engineering Catgirls for Domestic Ownership.”)
But first Islam needs to wipe out rotten degenerate West (for later to be taken out by Orient)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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